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False Hope and hope the poetic divide

By Daniel HooksPublished 3 years ago 1 min read
False Hope?

Give a bird hope

and she will sing

even if she lives in hell

with the devil as her king

I wrote this poem the words express what I called at the time false hope. However if the bird continues to sing and have hope even if that hope is based on a delusion or delusions. Is it better for that bird to have that hope that glass is full for that bird when it might be half empty?

We live our lives like that bird, if we walk on a tightrope and look down we are probably going to fall. Love, family, employment, money, freedom whatever it is and however scarce it is, if it gives us hope, it is the meaning our lives present. It is our gift our present and shouldn’t be thrown away. No matter the suffering we face if we have hope for a brighter future or a better day. We automatically go forward in our lives no matter the perils or troubles we face.

It is however false hope if we use it in the form of apathy and do not face our troubles or problems. If we say to ourselves the systems broke but do not change the fundamental problem this is where truth needs to found, We need to be the coal in the fire which never gives up and becomes a diamond but we need to foster hope but not take it with a pinch of salt. To go against the grain and make a change we need hope but we need to keep a healthy perspective.

By Alienpoet


About the Creator

Daniel Hooks

A poet, activist and story teller who currently battles with a severe mental health problem.

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  • Grz Colm6 months ago

    Very wise words Daniel. Love the existentialism of this! I tend to agree. Living in apathy is no good and things must be faced as best we can!

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