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By DarkosPublished 9 months ago Updated 9 months ago 2 min read
digits by me

Heart tell me that it is peace

tell me that I can still believe in

tell me that I will have more joy more happiness

tell me the bad will just hide themselves and go away

tell me that nothing bad has happened to her

tell me that it was just a mistake

tell me that she is okey

heart i already know i will need to accept her in a different presence

i still feel her in each practice in each moment where i remember what i have learned from her where nobody was there for me She joked calling me Lenovo She saw me I smiled and She wanted to talk with me so much

She send me message I told her the energy is too strong in the class I absorb too much but what i meant i feel too much its overwhelming i need to practice and learn on my own and it was all right I tried two more times it was too strong again

i feel her cheerful approach no matter what

she was so strong

she gave us all so much

improved our mind and health

now she is somewhere else and i felt something bad is coming to her

i wrote poem about her

I was trying to reach Her

it was too late !

they already did what they always do to a good hearted human woman

I know she is already born from the new again as a genius because that was a Supermoon that day

I feel Her smile and laugh

supporting me in each of Her wise mind !

Love love love love love love love to reading and writing !

Love Love Love Love Love to the writer

Love Love Love to the reader

Love to All included in this writing !

Dear reader, a long-term or a new encounter, a stranger, a human on earth!

Thank You so much for reading!

A Heart into Your side!

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so very grateful and Happy for the Tips!

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I bow my knees for Your kindness! :)

Have a great time !

Enjoy Your Life !

Have a beautiful full of Love and Peace day!

inspirationalsad poetry

About the Creator


Human : painter, digital art maker, sound composer, poet, writer, qigong healer & trainer

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