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late night thoughts

By TinaPublished 2 years ago 1 min read
Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

Standing in the rain with a ghost beside me,

As the heavy downpour hit the ground,

The ghost stayed next to me,

Never knowing who they were or why they stayed with me,

With the ghost by my side trouble was nowhere in sight,

No matter where I go, this ghost will follow me.

Maybe the ghost was always there,

You'd never notice unless you're in despair,

The ghost and I have become great friends,

Through everything, he was there,

I cannot think of getting through this life without the ghost next to me,

Will I forever wonder where I stand without the ghost helping me,

Will it only be the ghost and me?

One morning when I woke, the day felt different to me,

The sun was out and blinding me,

The ghost was gone, and the rain had stopped by why did he leave me?

At that moment, it was clear to see that it couldn't be just the ghost and me,

The days were different now he's gone, and I had to be free,

I tell myself that he only left temporarily and that if I need him, he will know and come back to me,

But now I know that there was never a ghost,

It was only me.

heartbreaksad poetry

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