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Forever Changed


By Deanna KumpPublished 6 years ago 2 min read

When I was younger, My best friends and I would have sleep overs.

We use to go on four wheelers when it was snowing and go crazy

One time we got to go on my friend's razer and her dad was driving and my one friend and me were in the back

We had snow coming up from the ground we were hitting jumps and flying threw the air like birds

We had a lot of fun with all the snow having the rush going through our bodies

After our snow adventure, we would get our bathsuits on and grab us some snacks then head to my friend's dad's hot tub

We would sit in there and tell funny stories, go through memories like they were yesterday

It was always fun

After a while we would go down stairs and get our pj on and watch the scariest movies we could find

It was the best years of my life

A while down the road one of my friends told us that her mother had cancer

I have never seen her cry as much as I did, It was heart breaking to see her so upset but I also didn't understand how she felt because i never have felt that heart break before.

Then the saddest day came, when one of my best friends was moving that day back to her home so her mom can be close to her family

I watched her load everything up into the truck, it was the hardest moment of my life well at least i thought....

Months past and I miss her like crazy, but i move along in life thinking as positively as i can

Until one night my mom sat me down, she told me the worse news I would ever here...

She said "Grammy is dying from stage four breast cancer"...

Falling down as if I was jumping off a cliff going 100 miles per hour

I grab the side of the rock and pulling myself back up, coming to realize that there is nothing I can do

My mom holds me tight as a river of tears flows from my big hazel eyes

Three months later was when i said goodbye to my hero.

That night was when i became the strong person I am today

Reality kicked me out in the street and said good luck!

I truly lost a lot that year, i lost a lot of close friends and almost lost my brother in a car accident. I didn't give up or lost control, instead I kept a smile on my face and kept pushing forward.

Thank you to everyone who read my story. Alway remember life isn't easy but you're strong and you've just got to push through. (:


About the Creator

Deanna Kump

Just a young women telling my story (:

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    Deanna KumpWritten by Deanna Kump

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