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Fibonacci Drift

200th Vocal Piece! Meditative Poem inspired by Tool that utilizes the number from Fibonacci Sequence!

By Paul StewartPublished 12 months ago Updated 12 months ago 2 min read




(2)Breathe in

(3)Then breathe out

(5)Feel the calm, flow through

(8)Flow over, through you, feel the calm

(13)Feel it, wash over, envelope you, breathe in, breathe out

(21)Breathe in, let it take you, breathe out, Feel the calm, wash over, envelope you, flow through you

(34)Feel the calm, clothe you, become you, feel the calm, breathe in, breathe out, feel it wash over, envelope you, take you, flow through you, breathe in, breathe out, breathe

(55)Breathe in, then, breathe out again, Don't fight, breathe in, give yourself up to it, breathe out, Feel the calm, clothe you, become you, feel the calm, breathe in, breathe out, feel it wash over, envelope you, take you, flow through you, breathe in, breathe out, breathe, just breathe

(89)Inspire (un), expire (un), feel it wash over you (deux), envelope, take you (trois), flow through you (cinq), breathe in (huit), breathe out (treize), inspire (vingt et un), expire (trent-quarte), don't fight it (cinquante-cinq), give yourself up to it (quatre-vingt-neuf), feel the calm (cinquante-cinq), clothe you (trent-quarte), become you (vingt et un), breathe (treize), breathe (huit), let it go (cinq), breathe (trois), breathe (deux), inspire (un), expire (un), just breathe!


Thanks for reading!

Author's Note: So, I made it to my 200th post on Vocal. For a long time, this idea has been sat in my WIP...I'm talking months. Since I just did one of the most emotionally-fraught pieces I've done, I wanted to do something lighter. But, still wanted to do something special to mark 200 pieces.

What is the deal?

The numbers, as the title suggests, are the first 10 numbers in the Fibonacci Sequence. I am not a massive fan of numbers and maths, but find patterns fascinating and the instances of the Fibonacci Sequence and the Golden Ratio in nature just enthrall me.

I also love the prog-metal-rock band Tool and if there are any Tool fans reading, you may know where I am going with this. The title track from their album, Lateralus (which is perhaps my favourite album by them) features lyrics written so that the syllable count follows the first few numbers in the Sequence.

I originally had planned to do this a long time ago because of writing so many haikus and paying close attention to the syllable count. I thought it would be a great way to create a meditative kinda piece.

So there you have it. It's a poem where the syllable count for each line is the same as the relevant number on the first 10 of the Fibonacci Sequence.

You may also notice there are the French numbers ascending and descending in the last line - I kinda imagined them being whispered...

For more information about the Tool song -

If you have time and inclination here are some other pieces I've recently published:

And this was my 100th piece:

You can also check out the rest of my work here.

surreal poetrysocial commentaryperformance poetryinspirationalfact or fiction

About the Creator

Paul Stewart

Scottish-Italian poet/writer from Glasgow.

Overflowing in English language torture and word abuse.

"Every man has a sane spot somewhere" R.L Stevenson

The Accidental Poet - Poetry Collection is now available!


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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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Comments (24)

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  • Mackenzie Davis7 months ago

    Ooh the flow is superb, and I love the repetition of "become you." Soothing to read. The maths pattern here is evident and quite lovely to feel resonating as I read it in my head. Very clever! And I like the French counting at the end. Felt like a denouement, but also like an added layer of "coooool"... lol.

  • EYHCS10 months ago

    The geek in me loved this; thank you so much for sharing!

  • Hannah Moore10 months ago

    First, this was just quite apt - I'm in a waiting room, passing time, tense. Then, calmer, I reread it. Very good.

  • IBRAHIM ABDULAI10 months ago

    Hello. I’m a beginner but I’m out of state so I don’t have a strip account please could you help me get a strip account to link to my wallet??

  • Test10 months ago

    Thank you for reading my piece because it got me here! I love this. Especially the idea of incorporating maths/science into writing. and the patterns that surround us. It may be 'lighter' and humourous but it certainly makes for a huge pause in thought!

  • Grz Colm10 months ago

    Here for the meditation, but my brain doesn’t do numbers - now I’m stressed. Thanks. 😉 Nah, but I Love the French inclusion!

  • kayra kılıç10 months ago

    very nice job!

  • Debra Davis11 months ago

    Thanks for the pointers.

  • Kendall Defoe 11 months ago

    Very clever work. Thought of Wittgenstein and his more complicated theorems.

  • Jazzy 11 months ago

    As I was reading, I couldn't help but think of Tool; this was so well done and so creative. I have to say, though, H. is my fav song by Tool, or sober.

  • Andrei Z.12 months ago

    This is brilliant, Paul! Am I the only person who wonders why French numbers >60 (70, 80, 90) are so weird? And I listened to Lateralus and it's real good. They might just have a new fan.

  • Cathy holmes12 months ago

    Oh, this is so relaxing and creative. Well done and tres bien.

  • Heather Hubler12 months ago

    Congratulations on reaching 200!! I swear you just published 100, lol. Love that you got this piece out and it was spectacular. I enjoyed the calming peace from reading and loved the french counting (which I actually understood). Amazing, my friend!

  • Brenton F12 months ago

    That was a build up that dreams are made of! A finely crafted piece you have gifted us with! I've read it four times now and just gives more. You have done well really well!

  • Another beautiful guided meditation, just as you intended.

  • Bex Jordan12 months ago

    Oh, this is freaking brilliant, Paul! SO well done, and I could literally feel myself relax as I read your words. Also, fuck yeah, Tool 🤘🤟

  • Yayyyyy congratulations on your 200th and I'm so happy you did a Fibonacci! That's really so impressive going up to 89 syllables! You're a daredevil!

  • Ruth Stewart12 months ago

    Very cleverly done. Excellent.

  • Meg12 months ago

    Congrats on your 200th piece! That is awesome! Felt the calm washing over me reading this

  • Gina C.12 months ago

    Whoa! Did you say 200?! That's an amazing accomplishment, my friend!! 🤗 Congratulations! This was such a cool concept. I love the serenity of it, and I learned something interesting and new! Looking forward to the next 200 of yours 🤗❤️

  • Sonia Heidi Unruh12 months ago

    This is an unbelievable accomplishment. I could feel myself relaxing as I read it, while also ascending excitement because the concept is! So! COOL!!!

  • Lamar Wiggins12 months ago

    I love tool. Their music is complex, makes you think. I think my favorite track is aenema. So many great ones to choose from but I know an awesome drummer and we both practiced to that track. She was more successful than me lol. Congrats on your 200th story achievement, Paul. It’s truly something to be proud of. 💖

  • Roy Stevens12 months ago

    Lateralus is a great album! Congratulations on #200 and inventing a whole new poetry form, Paul!!

  • Matthew Fromm12 months ago

    This is unique and a cool way to show how inspiration strikes from anywhere!

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