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Fatherless Child

Self-love is important!

By Soul SistahPublished 4 years ago 1 min read

Using sexual pleasure in exchange for love but after it's over wondering why it's still not enough.

Laying next to a man who will never see your worth because you refuse to put yourself first.

Yeah his kisses make your body shiver, but look how fast his feelings disappear when you start speaking about a future and a family.

I never understood how damaged a woman could be until I became that you see I met my father at 29 and even though he's here today I wanted him in every part of my life.

I'm talking heart breaks, struggles, and strife. Teaching me and guiding me in the right direction while reflecting and protecting me from these trifling men whose only motives was to take me for a spin and lure me into their web of deceit playing on my emotions hoping it'll quickly get my legs to open faster.

It's a disaster and a danger to be a fatherless child you grow up angry and wild filled with rage adding more damage to the already disappointed pages of your book.

This type of hurt will have you shook and traumatized thinking everyone is telling lies and leaving you, because you have issues with abandonment and it makes you paranoid with trust issues that constantly leave you in doubt.

None of this would be possible if your father had just been there and been the man he claimed to have been. Providing you with love instead of pain when it's clear the love would've made you appreciate yourself and learn how to love and be loved by someone else.

Money and material things will never equate to a father-daughter bond because money can be replaced but a father you only get one.

slam poetry

About the Creator

Soul Sistah

Content creator and writer.

Welcome to my world, come inside and let my poetic vibes soothe your soul, while my words echo in your mind and leave you wanting more.

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