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Late Night Flow

Trust the vibes.

By Soul SistahPublished 4 years ago 1 min read

Invisible to your heart but visible to your eyes. I love you, I lust you and despise you at the same time, I ask myself why I even try to love someone who's incapable of love. Reasons I provide are excuses and even they aren't enough. I try, I fail, for a moment it feels as though I prevailed but in reality still I've failed. Failed myself for caring for you more, disappointed that I had an opening to leave but couldn't walk out the door. Fed up, yet I keep my head to look in your eyes while ignoring the lies, red flags have been raised but I disregard them. As I stare in the mirror I feel ashamed, shame I let you use me, confuse me and emotionally abuse me. I've become a puppet on a string and you are controlling my every move meanwhile I'm the one to blame. Shame on me, shame on us, shame on we who allow the hurt all for the joys of never being alone then up heartbroken with no words of remorse received. Sadly, it's our choice because we don't use our voice to speak up yet stay questioning why we weren't enough, but the real question is was it them or was it us who should feel ashamed?


About the Creator

Soul Sistah

Content creator and writer.

Welcome to my world, come inside and let my poetic vibes soothe your soul, while my words echo in your mind and leave you wanting more.

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