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Eyes of Emerald

Mirrors to a Heart So True

By Angelina w. (Poet)Published about a year ago 1 min read

Your beautiful eyes, like emeralds green,

A forest of color, so fresh and clean...

Mirrors to a heart so true, so kind,

A soul that shines, leaving all others behind...

With every flicker, a story untold,

A path of kindness, forever bold...

Your eyes speak volumes, of love and care,

A presence that lifts us, and dispels despair...

And when you laugh, it's like music to the ear,

A symphony of joy, ringing so clear...

Your eyes are the stars that light up the night,

A shining example, of what's right...

So keep your eyes shining, like beacons of hope,

A source of inspiration, that helps us cope...

For in those eyes, we see a world of peace,

A world where love and kindness never cease.

nature poetrylove poemsinspirationalfact or fictioncelebrities

About the Creator

Angelina w. (Poet)

Poet, wordsmith, and dreamer. Crafting verses that delve into the human experience, exploring love, loss, and the beauty of life.

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