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The Lost, The Found, the never discovered..

By Victor MendezPublished 30 days ago 1 min read
Photo by Almos Bechtold on Unsplash


the lost, the found, the never discovered


Everything about you and I

is on the opposite side of the extremes.

Our ages,

our looks,

our homes,

our existence.

I'm the frog to a prince you're searching for,

the raindrop to your need of a storm,

the desert to your lush jungle,

a quagmire to a spirit free.

Where would we be?

Why do you miss me?

I am a moment in your life and even less in a story just unfolding..

but a mere introduction to your song.

The bass to your lilting soaring beauty.

I am here while you are there..

Though in my heart..you're everywhere!

When should we meet or dare?

You lie so sweetly..and..

I love you for it.

In between the hours and days since last we spoke,

what have you missed the most?


I miss your over the shoulder look..

the promise I feel in your sigh..

when you look away..

My imagination takes me late.

Why should we wait?

The luster of your skin

fans the lust I feel within

to touch the texture of your sin.

I may be wrong but I will confess

to all who ask

and why and when

the desire takes me with

but a smile from her lips..

I am weak!

at the swivel of seductive hips

and whether single married or just a friend,

I'll leave them all just to taste,

to ken,

the sin bursting from within!


love poemsFree Verse

About the Creator

Victor Mendez

Born in 1958.There's a lot of road beneath these feet.Worn out pairs upon pairs of shoes.Been a ranch kid,a city kid,a Marine,a dad, a grandfather now,an avid reader and just recently began writing poetry in 2015 just to vent.

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