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"Eternal Love: A Journey of Intertwined Souls"

In the realm of intertwined souls, where love transcends time and distance, "The Right One" unravels a story that ignites the senses and touches the depths of the heart. With every sunrise, the ethereal presence of a cherished one lingers in the waking thoughts, as if the universe conspires to unite their spirits. From moonlit reveries that evoke longing to the serendipitous encounter that defied expectations, this tale weaves a tapestry of emotions. Amidst past heartaches and tears, each endured moment becomes a stepping stone towards a profound reward. For every scar that marks the journey, the gratitude emerges, for it led to the discovery of an extraordinary love. From the mundane to the extraordinary, from incessant conversations to moments of silence, the connection deepens, revealing the layers of vulnerability and strength. Together, they traverse the realms of affection, defying the physical distance that separates them. The love shared transcends the boundaries of proximity, touching depths that those closest cannot fathom. Amidst fights and misunderstandings, they bear witness to the unveiling of each other's raw selves, creating an unbreakable bond that endures even when miles apart. In a world where maturity is a facade, this love blooms in a sanctuary where worries, stress, and pain find solace. Each passing moment solidifies the commitment, for their souls have merged into an unbreakable union. With every gesture of affection, the knowledge that losing this connection is inconceivable permeates the essence of their being. This is a tale of love's triumph, where all the love given is reciprocated in infinite measures. In the end, it is about a love that transcends time, space, and even the boundaries of existence itself. For when two souls become one, the universe aligns, and forever takes on a whole new meaning.

By NishckaPublished about a year ago 1 min read

The right one

When I open my eyes the first thought is you

To dozing off into the night looking for you in the moon

Isn’t the moon looking pretty today?

From meeting you on the first day

In my “Anti boy” phase

To talking to you everyday

That one call changed everything

Im grateful to every hurt I've gotten in the past

If this is the reward I get

To all the tears, heartbreak and pain

To the patience on finding the one

I think I finally found it

From texting you all day

To dozing off on call

To having fights and not talking to each other

Letting all the scars uncover

Slowly seeing every side of me

And always being there for me

Being miles away from me

But still loving me

Like the ones right next to me can’t

I'm a mature person for the world

But with you i'm the least concerned

About the worries, the stress or the pain

Cause you take it all away

So I’m till forever

Cause forever is when you’re with me

Because I can’t lose you

All the LOVE that you give

it's YOU in the end and beyond

vintagesurreal poetrylove poems

About the Creator


Nishcka is a multi-talented student, dancer and writer. With a passion for the arts, she seamlessly combines her for movement and words. As a dedicated student, Nishcka's curosity knows no bounds, constantly seeking knowledge.

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