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Endless Love

"An Ode to Forever Love"

By Quincy.VPublished about a year ago 1 min read

You are the star that shines so bright,

The one who makes my world feel right.

Your eyes are like the morning sun,

Your voice like a soothing melody, a sweet hum.

Your touch ignites the flame of passion,

Your smile erases all of life's tension.

Every moment spent with you is a treasure,

A feeling so pure, so priceless, beyond measure.

In your arms, I feel safe and secure,

And the love we share is ever pure.

Together we'll conquer every hill and bend,

Our love story, an endless journey without an end.

I vow to love you with all my heart,

And cherish every moment, never apart.

Forever, I promise to be your light,

And love you with all my might.

Endless love, that's what we have,

A love that's pure, a love that's brave.

You are my soulmate, my forevermore,

Together, we'll keep shining and soar.

fact or fictionlove poemsinspirational

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  3. Heartfelt and relatable

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  • Brenton Fabout a year ago

    So much warmth and feeling. I found myself smiling at the end! A reread and yep - another smile!

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