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Endless love

Selfless love

By Ojile Wisdom OchefuPublished 11 months ago 1 min read

In the realm of hearts, a love profound,
Where endless echoes of whispers resound.
A love that stands, undeterred by time,
A symphony of souls, harmonious and prime.

Through joy and sorrow, its flame burns bright,
Defying the darkness, casting radiant light.
A love that comforts, a soothing embrace,
Enduring the trials, with steadfast grace.

In selflessness it thrives, devoid of greed,
A sanctuary of solace, in moments of need.
When rejected, it weeps, yet refuses to stray,
A love that lingers, come what may.

Oh, how it longs for a reciprocated touch,
Yearning for acceptance, yet loving so much.
It bears the weight of unrequited desire,
A bittersweet ache, a smoldering fire.

Through tear-stained nights, it remains resilient,
Nurturing hope with a love that's brilliant.
It dances in the shadows, though wounded and scarred,
Still offering solace, even when love seems marred.

For in its essence, it knows no bounds,
An eternal flame that knows no mounds.
Through rejection's sting, it learns to forgive,
A love that persists, for as long as we live.

So let it be known, this love so true,
That even in pain, it remains steadfast and grew.
For love's not defined by the embrace it receives,
But by the depths of its soul, where compassion retrieves.

In the end, this love stands tall,
A poignant reminder, captivating all.
Though sad and touching, its beauty does prevail,
A love that endures, a timeless tale.

love poems

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