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Embracing the Horizon

A Journey to the Ideal World

By Kelly KhooPublished 10 months ago â€ĸ 1 min read

Facing the boundless sea, amidst the blooms of spring,

He painted his dreams with verses of hope and grace.

In the end, he shielded his ideals with unwavering zeal,

Tending to steeds, splitting logs, nurturing crops with care.

In this bustling urban realm,

Yearning to escape, seeking solace, he was not alone.

For without life's basics, the vibrant world fades,

"Where lies a thousand houses grand?"

In each hearth's wispy smoke lies the essence of existence.

With every gentle breeze, a tale unfolds,

Of cherishing nature and its simple charms.

In verses, the joys of life unfurl,

A reminder of meaning found in humble pursuits.

So, let us relish the scent of blooms,

And embrace the horizon's distant allure.

On the path to our dreams, may solace bloom,

As life's essence weaves, rising from a thousand hearths.

nature poetry

About the Creator

Kelly Khoo

Versatile writer delving into money, health, business, humor, travel, poetry, products, and movie reviews. Crafting captivating and informative tales.

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