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Navigating the Landscape of Loss and Love.

By Johnpaul Okwudili Published 6 days ago 1 min read
Photo by Jarl Schmidt on Unsplash

In the stillness of the night,
where shadows stretch and yawn,
there are echoes of absence
that reverberate through the soul.

It begins as a whisper,
soft and hesitant,
a name caught on the edge of breath,
hovering between memory and forgetting.

There was a time when laughter
filled these hollowed halls,
when voices danced like fireflies
on warm summer evenings.

But now, there is only silence,
a heavy cloak draped over empty chairs,
the weight of absence pressing down
like a stone upon the chest.

How do you measure the space
left behind by a departed soul?
It is not the empty room,
nor the untouched belongings,
but the intangible ache that lingers,
a haunting melody of what once was.

Grief is a quiet companion,
its presence felt in the smallest moments:
the scent of a familiar cologne,
the sound of a favorite song,
the way sunlight casts shadows
that no longer reach out to touch.

We carry their absence like a burden,
a weight we cannot set down,
for to mourn is to remember,
and to remember is to keep them close,
even as they slip further away.

In the echo of their absence,
we find fragments of ourselves,
pieces of a puzzle that no longer fits,
a mosaic of loss and longing.

Yet, amidst the ache,
there is a quiet resilience,
a strength that grows from sorrow,
like flowers blooming in cracked pavement.

For in every absence,
there is a presence,
a legacy woven into the fabric of time,
a testament to the impact of a life lived.

They are not truly gone,
but live on in the stories we tell,
in the laughter that echoes through tears,
in the love that transcends boundaries.

And so we carry them forward,
in whispered prayers and silent wishes,
in moments of quiet reflection,
knowing that their absence
is a testament to the depth of our love.

In the echoes of absence,
we find the beauty of impermanence,
the bittersweet melody of life's song,
played on the strings of our hearts.

For in the end, it is not the silence
that defines their absence,
but the echoes of love
that resonate eternal

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Johnpaul Okwudili


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    Johnpaul Okwudili Written by Johnpaul Okwudili

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