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Detective Brown's Symbol Showdown


By James GreenPublished about a year ago 1 min read

Detective Brown followed the hooded cloak man

Through winding streets, and alleyways wan

She couldn't shake the feeling he was the key

To unlocking the symbol's mystery

She tailed him through the city's dark heart

Till finally, they were worlds apart

She found him in a dimly lit room

And quickly apprehended him with a boom

He struggled, but her grip was tight

She knew she had to keep him in sight

She locked him up in a cell so grim

And set to work to question him

The man was tight-lipped, wouldn't speak

But Brown was relentless, tough and meek

She dug and dug, till finally he cracked

And spilled the beans, the truth was sacked

He told her of a secret cult

That used the symbol as a mark of cult

It stood for power, wealth, and might

And those who bore it were the ones to fight

Detective Brown was shocked to hear

This tale of crime, and danger near

She knew she had to put a stop

To this illicit, criminal shop

She thanked the man, and let him be

And set to work, with urgency

For now she knew the symbol's tale

And with this knowledge, she couldn't fail.


About the Creator

James Green

Weaving words into captivating worlds, this author's storytelling will transport you to realms of imagination and leave you breathless.

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