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"Dancing with Distraction

Embracing the Rhythm of Focus"

By Literary fusionPublished 12 months ago 2 min read

(Dancing with Distraction) is a challenge in vocal plus, we can't publish there because we are not subscribed to that plan, so we are publishing it here. Now you'll make the decision whether it deserves to be there or not through your likes and comments.

Dazzling allure, captivating my mind,

A whirlwind of chaos, enticingly designed,

Swirling thoughts, a mesmerizing dance,

Twirling and twining, leaving no chance,

Radiant temptress, enchanting my sight,

A tantalizing force, blurring what's right,

Captivating gestures, drawing me near,

The allure of distraction, whispering in my ear,

Intoxicating rhythms, pulling me astray,

On this dance floor of life, I've led away,

Nebulous pathways, veering off track,

Stealing my focus, leaving no way back,

In the midst of chaos, I lose my way,

Obstacles mounting, causing disarray,

Navigating the tango, with steps unsure,

Drowning in distraction, seeking a cure.

Reclaiming my focus, I seek clarity's light,

Awareness as my compass, guiding me through the night,

Swinging back to the center, shedding the disguise,

Taming the distractions, the truth within me lies,

Realigning purpose, finding my stride,

Igniting the fire, burning distractions aside,

Acting with intention, reclaiming control,

Navigating the tempest, with a steadfast soul,

In the face of allure, I stand tall and strong,

Overcoming distractions, where I once went wrong,

Never again swayed by the luring call,

Determined and resilient, I shall not fall,

Seeking harmony amidst the noise and strife,

Tuning out distractions, embracing a balanced life,

Inspiration ignites, fueling my passion's flame,

Opening my eyes to dreams I can reclaim,

Navigating the dance floor, with focus and poise,

A warrior's heart, embracing life's joys,

So I dance with distraction, but not as its slave,

I choose my own rhythm, the path I will pave,

Only in balance can I truly thrive,

No longer held captive, my spirit will revive,

Determined and free, I step into the light,

Shedding the mask, embracing my inner might,

Intertwining strength and beauty, a warrior's grace,

On this journey of life, distractions I'll erase,

Now I dance with purpose, with clarity in view,

Guided by my dreams, my passions I pursue,

Dancing with distraction, no longer in control,

For I am the master of my own soul.

(by color and words)

If you like my content please give it a like and comment. Your support can help us improve. This poem is in challenges in vocal plus, but I wasn't able to publish it there due to some financial problems. leave in the comments whether it deserves to be there or not.

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About the Creator

Literary fusion

Welcome to literary fusion where art and literature intertwine to create a vibrant tapestry. I am [Abdullah Shabir], an artist and writer exploring self-expression through colors and carefully chosen words.

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