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A poem (ish) By Ross E F Lombardi

By Ross E Fortune LombardiPublished 2 years ago 4 min read



A poem (ish)

By Ross E F Lombardi


I have no claws with which to render flesh

Only mere human nails that break and tear.


I have no fangs with which to break a bone.

Only silly human teeth that snap and twist from the gums on a nutshell.


I have no arm with which to wrestle a bear

Only flimsy human limbs,

Of who’s greatest of our species would make a weakened chimpanzee chuckle.


No early naked human could defeat a woolly mammoth, one on one

Neither could any single wolf defeat a woolly mammoth, one on one.

Neither could any single feline defeat a woolly mammoth, one on one.

But more than one can,

More than did!

More than once!


We, like wolves, like lions, and like horses, evolved as pack animals.

We need each other.

Working in groups gives us our mastery.

Groups that care for each other work better than those that do not.

Empathy IS our true Strength.

It is NOT our Weakness.

Hate IS our real Weakness

It is NOT our strength.

No person has required evolved mind or soul to exist alone.

Any more than any human is evolved to rend flesh and break bone with tooth, claw and sinew.

A human simply cannot do it.

No human can defeat the hairy monster of isolation and loneliness, one on one

Any more than any single naked human could defeat any woolly mammoth, one on one

It just can NOT be done!

If you think in your delusional hubris that you are the exception,

That you are some sort of super willed mega being,

Then I hate to tell you this,

Not only are you wrong,

But you are already dead!

It is just that your physical heart has not stopped beating yet.


We all need to be in some sort of group!

Or we die.


While it IS true that all groups Do need some sort of hierarchy.

That does not mean any one member of our pack is “disposable”!

Leadership and Hierarchy should only be organizational functions.

Leadership and Hierarchy should never equate to any form of social privilege!


Real leaders act as an example

Real leaders are servants of their people,

Not their masters.

A real leader will only eat the same as the poorest of their lands

A real leader will only sleep as comfortably and the most uncomfortable as their lands

A real leader drinks only the same water from the worst and filthiest of their lands.

Matching their lot to that of the most outcast of their people.

Real leaders know that they are responsible for ALL their people.

And therefore, must take personal responsibility for the worst their charges suffer.

A real leader should be rewarded with the improvement of his lot,

Only to be equal and the same as the lowest of those in their care.


Those who want power and prestige should never become leaders and rule makers,

Let those who need such trappings become only entertainers and clowns instead.


Because you cannot thirst for any power at all,

Without also wanting any of it for all the wrong reasons.


We should take the USA marine credo,

“Leave No Man Behind”

And simply extend that same logic and loyalty to all.

Every homeless

Every junkie

Every disenfranchised

Every member of the insane

Every lost soul.

“Leave No Citizen Behind”


And our pack should grow

And include everyone.

Every faith,

Every philosophy,

Every race

Every sexuality,

For the more diverse the pack,

The more adaptive it becomes,

The more adaptive it becomes, the stronger it becomes.

True unity of all humankind will save us all.

Endless Love and Empathy for each other will save us all!


I have no claws with which to render flesh

Only mere human forged nails that join timber together.

And rivets to join steel.


I have no fangs with which to break a bone,

Only a sly human tongue that snaps and twists beautiful words into being and form,

Form nothing but empty air and inspiration.


I have no arm with which to wrestle a bear

But we could have a thousand human limbs,

Working together for a mutual benefit.


True human unity will save us from any environmental disaster.

From any threat from space,

Even, potentially, From the heat death of the universe itself,

And most of all!

It will save us from our deadliest foe of all.

Our greatest ever threat!




social commentary

About the Creator

Ross E Fortune Lombardi

Writer. Gamer, Goth

A (Constantly Failing To Be Funny) satirist!

[email protected]

Mutare non est meum

Cantus moriar



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