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"Celestial Lessons: A Garden of Wisdom"

Life lesson poem.

By BharatPublished 10 months ago 1 min read

In the garden of life, a lesson blooms,

A seed of wisdom, amid life's rooms,

With petals of grace and thorns of truth,

This unique poem whispers to the youth.

In every dawn, a chance to start anew,

To mend the past and embrace the view,

To learn from failures, from mistakes made,

For growth and change are the paths well-paved.

Embrace the storms that fiercely blow,

For they teach strength that you'll come to know,

A lesson of resilience, through each gale,

A reminder that even the strongest frail.

The moon, it wanes, and waxes bright,

A metaphor for life's changing light,

To cherish moments, both dark and fair,

For in balance, true beauty's rare.

The rivers flow with a constant force,

They show us life's dynamic course,

Adapt and flow, through twists and bends,

For rigidity breaks, and flexibility mends.

Be kind, for in kindness, hearts unite,

A spark of love, infinite and bright,

It costs so little, but its worth immense,

The key to joy, the greatest defense.

Through eyes of others, empathy grows,

A gift that connects, a bond that flows,

To understand, to share their plight,

Brings compassion and a guiding light.

As seasons change, and time goes by,

Remember, each moment will someday fly,

Seize the day, let dreams take flight,

For in action lies life's purest delight.

The canvas of life, your masterpiece,

Paint it with love, don't ever cease,

Learn, love, and strive to be,

The best version of you, wild and free.

And so, dear soul, this poem imparts,

Lessons of life, to the deepest hearts,

Embrace its wisdom, let it sear,

And live a life that you hold dear.

childrens poetryperformance poetrynature poetryinspirational

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