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"Beneath the Cherry Tree's Delight"


By Shilpa RawadePublished about a year ago 1 min read
"Beneath the Cherry Tree's Delight"
Photo by Gala Iv on Unsplash

Beneath a cherry tree so fair,

Blooms dancing in the springtime air,

Petals soft, like whispers sweet,

Nature's gift, a heavenly treat.

A canopy of vibrant pink,

A sight that makes my spirits sink,

Delicate branches, reaching high,

Kissing the azure sky.

Blossoms flutter, joy unfurls,

Nature's canvas, a tapestry of pearls,

Each flower tells a story unique,

Of hope, love, and dreams we seek.

With every bloom, a promise made,

Of beauty in this world displayed,

The cherry tree, a timeless friend,

A reminder of life's sweet blend.

In its shade, we find respite,

Underneath its branches bright,

This majestic tree, a cherished sight,

Filling our hearts with pure delight.

So let us celebrate this tree,

Symbol of joy and harmony,

May its beauty forever thrive,

In poems and hearts, as long as we're alive.

childrens poetry

About the Creator

Shilpa Rawade

Shilpa Rawade is a master of the written word,expertly navigating the realms of poetry,story telling,beauty tips,and recipes.

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