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Astronomy of Love

Mars, Pluto, Mercurius, Earth

By Moharif YuliantoPublished 5 days ago 1 min read
Astronomy of Love
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Not with roses red, nor diamonds bright,

Does love ignite its everlasting light.

But in the vast expanse, where stars convene,

Love's truest essence, in the heavens is seen.

Like distant galaxies, a swirling dance,

Two souls entwined, in a cosmic trance.

A gravitational pull, unseen, unknown,

Yet hearts align, on a celestial throne.

The crescent moon, a sliver in the night,

Reflects the shy glance, bathed in silver light.

A stolen touch, a whispered, sweet refrain,

Like meteors sparking, a celestial rain.

Venus, the goddess, with beauty so bold,

Mirrors the passion, a story untold.

Two burning hearts, ablaze with desire,

Fueled by a fire, that sets the soul on fire.

The Milky Way, a shimmering, starlit stream,

Whispers of dreams, a love that's not a dream.

Woven together, like constellations bright,

Two destinies entwined, bathed in moon's soft light.

The watchful constellations, guardians above,

Bear witness to promises, whispered vows of love.

Polaris, the North Star, a beacon so true,

Guides hearts adrift, forever seeing them through.

Shooting stars, fleeting streaks across the sky,

Wishes whispered, as lovers watch them fly.

A silent language, in the heavens unfurled,

Hopes and aspirations, for a love that's a whole world.

Eclipses dramatic, a dance of light and shade,

Reflecting challenges, love has surely faced.

But just as darkness gives way to dawn's embrace,

Love's resilience shines, leaving no room for space.

Supernova's brilliance, a final, fiery end,

Can love too falter, emotions descend?

Yet even in darkness, a new star may ignite,

A love reborn, bathed in a gentler light.

Eons may pass, galaxies may shift and sway,

But the memory of love, forever will stay.

Etched in the heavens, a love story untold,

The astronomy of love, forever bright and bold.


About the Creator

Moharif Yulianto

a freelance writer and thesis preparation in his country, youtube content creator, facebook

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