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Allow the Ink to Dry


By Paul CrockerPublished 7 years ago 1 min read

To my love, I'm sending you a letter first class.

It explains my inner feelings so you don't have to ask.

I hope you understand the honesty of my past.

It still breaks my heart about what happened last.

Please allow the ink to dry, before you reply.

I wouldn't want you to smudge the words I put down.

Don't let your tears into black lines drown.

To my friend, I am sending you a card that says it all.

I know it's not as exciting as a call.

But I, myself find it more personal.

I hope it will keep our love merciful.

Please allow the ink to dry, before you start to cry.

I can't have you answering in that state of mind.

There will be no meaningful words for you to find.

To my companion, I'm sending you a poem that expresses my hope.

I'm unsure if it was okay for us to elope.

It is bringing me to the end of my rope.

Just thinking about it confirms that I'm unable to cope.

Please allow the ink to dry, before you say goodbye.

I know how hard this will be for you to accept.

We were so different, we couldn't connect.

In reality, it's what you should expect.

heartbreaklove poems

About the Creator

Paul Crocker

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