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All the Time Moments

Where Comfort is Found

By HaileyPublished 9 months ago 1 min read

Growing up in a home that could be strife and loud.

I longed for comfort to be found.

I thought I’d find it in others, and looked in family and friends.

But none could provide what I needed to mend.

I looked even more in hobbies like art,

but I found myself still

- falling apart.

I searched once again, in gin and bottles of wine

but the comfort in those were surely not mine.

I thought seeing the world would give the comfort I craved,

So I worked long hours to make money to save.

Then later I realized travelling feels out of reach,

and right now is the time I need peace.

So, I looked to myself -

and only to find

I’m the one who’ll provide comfort in life.

By, appreciating moments that some deem as small

I found hidden largeness in them all.

Now -

-I truly find comfort in the warmth of a tea

cozied up with a book-

even the buzz of a bee.

I feel comfort when the wind blows, or I pour coffee into my cup.

It’s these little moments that I just can’t get enough.

Like, a grounding breath when I’m feeling afloat,

or a singer just hitting that super high note.

I found that comfort is hidden in the

all-the-time moments

- not just the spectacular ones we all think it’s chosen.

Just like dimly lit places and the smiles of friends;

I found my comfort in everything - now my joy never ends.


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