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ADHD is a Superpower

And I'm Wonder-Woman.

By Tessa DickinsonPublished 2 years ago 2 min read
ADHD is a Superpower
Photo by Yulia Matvienko on Unsplash

If ADHD were a superpower, I’d defeat any villain. That, I know for sure.

For what a gift it must be to have so many thoughts, ideas -- so much knowledge inside your head.

To know every concept of interior design, every art project you’ve wanted to create, every story you’ve never written.

To know every medical term and procedure, to know more about the female body than you’re OBGYN, to have enough knowledge of mental illness you could be the therapist.

The entire history of the Vikings.

The complete lyrics to hundreds of songs.

The knowledge goes on.

So why then, is it not considered a superpower or gift?

Why, then, is it considered a disability?

Is it simply because I failed to absorb information from seven different topics each day, five days a week?

Is it because I’d rather spend five hours each day, seven days a week absorbed in a single topic?

Is it because I’ll forget to paint that masterpiece if I don’t drop everything right now to go create instead?

And then the doubt begins to creep in. When I hear the hushed whispers. When I'm asked if I need more help, if I'm understanding.

They look at me like I'm dumb, and I start to feel dumb. I start to understand where the misconceptions come from, the argument behind ADHD's debilitating nature.

I think about the bad times.

When the thoughts are racing so fast, I can’t catch a single one.

When they fly in and fly out before my conscious can trap and store them.

When my mind and heart meet in a hopeless battle to agree on some kind of balance.

Yet still, I hold my position that ADHD is a superpower though, it did take me some time to come to this conclusion. It was much like any superhero movie. I had to first learn to accept myself the way I was born and once that acceptance came, I had to learn how to use my power to my advantage.

Now I use my gift to master any talent I find interest in.

I shine through my artistic abilities.

I take charge of conversations with interesting information (whether you think so or not is not my problem).

I defeat any villainous challenge that rears its ugly head through hyper fixation and a patience the title ADHD claims I don’t have.

Today I know I can trash the definition society gave my abilities and claim my own title.

ADHD is a superpower, and I’m strong as fuck.


About the Creator

Tessa Dickinson

If art is a crime then arrest me now and sentence me for life; for art races through my heart and drives my soul at felony speeds.

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