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A Thousand Winters

What fire could ever equal the sunshine of a winter’s day

By VocalVibesPublished about a year ago 1 min read
A Thousand Winters
Photo by Jasper van der Meij on Unsplash

A thousand winters have come and gone,

The earth has aged, and time moves on,

But in my heart, I feel the same,

As I did on that first winter's day.

The snow that falls, so pure and bright,

The icy winds that chill the night,

They stir a flame within my soul,

A fire that never will grow old.

For in the winter's bitter cold,

I find a peace that can't be sold,

A stillness in the frosty air,

A beauty that I can't compare.

And though the years may pass me by,

And seasons change before my eyes,

I'll always love the winter's chill,

And all the wonders it instills.

So let the snowflakes gently fall,

And let the wind blow fierce and tall,

For in the winter's icy grip,

I find a love that will never slip.

nature poetry

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