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A Smooth Brandy Serenade

A Toast to Joy

By Anthony ChanPublished 6 months ago 2 min read
Special Thanks to Marcus Winkler on Unsplash.com

In the amber glow of triumph as your soul prepares to brace,

A smooth brandy can offer a sweet embrace.

Flavors swirl like a symphony in perfect control,

As you celebrate success from a task or goal.

As your goal falls into place,

A smooth brandy is a good reward for your hectic pace.

Cradled in your hands, a glass of joy emits light,

Each sip is a testament to your success in the heat of the night.

The fragrance signals victory and sweet success,

A liquid ode becomes a toast to your progress.

The close of a deal is sure to generate a vivid cheer,

As the sip of your smooth brandy reflects your success loud and clear.

Yet, heed the caution in the swirls of amber hue,

Only some moments call for brandy after careful review.

For in the shadows of sorrow, when failure's clouds descend,

A smooth brandy is undoubtedly not an advisable friend.

To drown in sorrow's depths within the amber sea,

It is never a path to solace nor a vehicle that will set you free.

Brandy's beauty lies in joy and its ability to delight,

Yet, it cannot mend a broken heart or make a wrong seem right.

When goals slip through your grasp, like sand between your fingers,

Don't seek refuge in the brandy glass, where bitterness still lingers.

For in sorrow's tide, it is strength you need,

To help you prepare the soil and plant a hopeful seed.

A brandy's warmth can't mend the cracks in dreams that shatter,

It's not a cure for heartache or a substitute for laughter.

Failure's bitter taste cannot be masked by smooth delight,

Instead, seek to build resilience and allow it to be your guiding light.

In the rhythm of life, where highs and lows entwine,

A smooth brandy can be a joyful friend and a confidant to sunshine.

But in the face of sorrow, let it not be an excuse to hold a grudge.

And always avoid the temptation to use brandy as your crutch.


About the Creator

Anthony Chan

Chan Economics LLC, Public Speaker

Chief Global Economist & Public Speaker JPM Chase ('94-'19).

Senior Economist Barclays ('91-'94)

Economist, NY Federal Reserve ('89-'91)

Econ. Prof. (Univ. of Dayton, '86-'89)

Ph.D. Economics

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  • Manisha Dhalani6 months ago

    Good one.

  • This was outstanding! Loved your poem, especially the message at the end!

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