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A Reverberated Rendezvous

A loving encounter on the Camino de Santiago

By TestPublished 2 years ago 1 min read
El Camino de Santiago in Andalusia, Spain

I take in all my surroundings -

the lush trees,

the humble and gracious path.

I can feel the earth beneath,

exude love from under my

enduring boots.

Crunch, crunch, crunch.

To my side view,

there is another pilgrim.

Time speeds up and his body

walks with precision and care -

almost military like.

His khaki green poncho

complements the vibrancy in the air.

He turns his head to face me,

his twinkling eyes

spark wonder.

His smile has a mystery

and his soul holds a secret.

A voice steeping in truth -

"Buen camino."

Heat rises like twin flames.

Hair dances on a wandering float.

Skin tingles like a petal

with a humming bee.

Smile curves like a waxing moon.

Teeth glistens like a sun-kissed ocean.

Cheeks flourish like a rose in bloom.

Bodies beckon like being captured by spirit.


Ripples in between

enchants the lover.

Waves flowing

entices each other.

Charms and melodies

hypnotize and magnetize.

Pulling each soul

until it unites.

Untangle the cord around yourself

and set your soul free at last.

Let us embrace and liberate our love -

For the good of mankind.

Spirit soar,

I am no more.

My friend has found me -

His eyes greet me and smiles.

On the Camino de Santiago -

A trail that will last for miles.

love poems

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