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A missing friend

A poem to my beloved friend

By Franca Published 12 months ago 4 min read

In the depths of my heart, a void does reside,

A missing piece, a friend by my side.

Once we laughed, we shared every tear,

But now you're gone, and I'm left standing here.

The echoes of your laughter still linger in the air,

But the warmth of your presence, now a distant affair.

Memories like petals, fragile and sweet,

They dance in my mind, where our paths used to meet.

Oh, dear friend, where have you gone?

In this vast world, I feel so alone.

The days are dull, the nights filled with longing,

For your company, your voice, and the bond we were belonging.

We shared secrets like whispers in the wind,

Our dreams intertwined, a tapestry unpinned.

In laughter and sorrow, we found solace and care,

But now I'm left wondering, where could you be, out there?

I yearn for your smile, the light in your eyes,

The way you understood without asking why.

Your absence leaves an ache, a bittersweet pain,

For the bond we once had, I long to regain.

Though miles may separate, and time may pass,

Our friendship remains, an unbreakable glass.

I hold you close, in the chambers of my heart,

Until the day we reunite, never to be apart.

So, dear missing friend, know you're deeply missed,

In my thoughts and prayers, you'll always persist.

Until the day our paths intertwine once more,

I'll cherish the memories we had before.

In this poem, I send my heartfelt plea,

For the universe to bring you back to me.

Until then, I'll hold onto hope, never letting go,

My missing friend, I'll keep searching, that I know.


On the adventures we shared, every laughter, every bliss.

We wandered through life, hand in hand,

Exploring the world, a harmonious band.

The stories we crafted, like vibrant tapestries,

Painted with colors of our shared memories.

From the sun-kissed beaches to mountain peaks high,

We sought adventure beneath the boundless sky.

But now, as I traverse this winding road,

I feel your absence, like a heavy load.

The conversations we had, so profound and true,

I long for those moments, when it was just me and you.

In the stillness of the night, I send my thoughts afar,

Hoping they'll reach you, wherever you are.

I wonder if you're chasing dreams in a distant land,

Or if life's currents have guided you elsewhere, unplanned.

Yet, even as I miss you, I cherish what we've shared,

For the bond we forged cannot be impaired.

Your friendship, a beacon that forever shines,

Guiding me forward, even amidst life's confines.

So, my missing friend, though we may be apart,

Know that you hold a cherished place in my heart.

And as time weaves its tapestry, stitching our fate,

I'll hold onto the memories, both small and great.

For friendship knows no boundaries, no measure of time,

Its essence endures, transcending the sublime.

And though we may wander on separate trails,

Our connection remains, unyielding and hale.

So, until the day our paths reunite,

I'll keep you close, in my heart's inner light.

And with hope as my compass, I'll carry on,

Knowing our friendship will forever bond.

In the realms of my thoughts, you'll always reside,

A missing piece, a friend by my side.

For our friendship is timeless, a tale without end,

My missing friend, you are forever my cherished blend.

In the vast expanse of memories we created,

A symphony of moments, unabated.

We shared secrets, dreams, and fears,

Through laughter and tears, wiping each other's tears.

The world seemed brighter with you by my side,

With your infectious spirit, you became my guide.

In the tapestry of life, you added vibrant hues,

An irreplaceable presence, forever infused.

But fate's whims carried you away,

Leaving an emptiness that lingers each day.

I search for your essence in crowded spaces,

Seeking traces of your warmth in familiar faces.

The streets we walked together, now seem so cold,

The stories we shared, remain untold.

I yearn to hear your laughter once again,

To rekindle that bond, unbreakable, and sustain.

In the quiet hours of solitude, I reflect,

On the impact you had, the love we intersect.

Your absence a reminder to seize every chance,

To cherish the connections, to embrace life's dance.

Though distance separates us, my friend,

Our bond transcends the limits, it will not bend.

With each passing day, my hope remains strong,

That destiny will guide us back where we belong.

Until that day, I'll hold onto the memories dear,

The laughter, the adventures, etched crystal clear.

For even in absence, our friendship prevails,

A testament to the love that never fails.

So, my missing friend, wherever you may be,

Know that your presence still dances within me.

In the depths of my heart, you'll forever reside,

A cherished soul, a friend by my side.

And when the stars align, our paths intertwine,

We'll share new stories, as if no time did decline.

Until then, I'll carry our bond in my soul,

A beacon of friendship that continues to console.

For you are missed, my dear friend,

But our connection will transcend,

Beyond the boundaries of time and space,

Together, again, we shall embrace.

love poems

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