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A Lull in the Sea


By AmourrroPublished 3 years ago 2 min read

I swam through three levels of the ocean

The saltiness seeped through the sides of my mouth

Like sweet honey flowing down the legs of slender roses

Looking up, my eyes could see through the vast blue with no struggle at all

Then above there was a barrier the held all the ocean's most beautiful shells and pearls

Shells of orange and pink reflected off others of blue and purple

Pearls rolled around the ocean floor in a flurry

So many that I scooped a handful and poured them into my empty heart

I swam through three levels of the ocean

Each with their own sky and their own sounds

Ocean life full of colors

Colors I've never seen before

I was shook down to my soul and rocked into coral reef

My mind filled with bright shiny scales

Scales that shimmered like a thousand rainbows in the mist at the edge of sunlight

Overflowing out of my ears and mouth to birth live fish who bloomed into underwater miracles

The unforgiving turquoise water stained my skin permanent

My admiration grew tenfold

I swam through three levels of the ocean

Mountains of sand that stretched further than the Sahara by a hundred

They rippled and waved with pleasure and kissed with pain

Molded by the Sea's emotions and forced to bend at its will

I too, have come to know that familiar feelings

Comfortable helplessness

My knees folded and crumbled to the ocean floor

Face pressed against the finest sands

So I buried myself even deeper

The grains swirled around my neck, then arms and after torso

Growing vibrations intensified as I pushed further in unknowingly

The ocean's rhythm soothed my mind and stole my collection of scars

It sanded away my toughest of insecurities and fears


and fished out all of the lost words that have sunken deep into my stomach

Turning them into nothing more than gently sunlight dancing on the ocean floor

I swam through three levels of the ocean

Discovering power of the world I had forbidden myself from

I turned my thoughts into brilliant scales and then birthed life

I buried my body and sanded away my scars, insecurities and fears

And I took those and spun them into light

Creating an ocean of perfect blue for my eyes to become inebriated after one blurry glance

All that I have done

and all the I am

or will become is that I'll ever need

as long as I am colorful.

nature poetry

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