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1664: A love torn

A poem

By Devin SanchezPublished 3 months ago 3 min read
1664: A love torn
Photo by Mahdi Bafande on Unsplash

If I told you in 1664 I would be seen as a demonic nuisance you would joke because I am light skin.

Saying other things as if I deserve it

Because of my skin

Did you know that interracial marriage was illegal then and until 1967?

303 years Of love torn.

Let’s go down Beale street and fall in love.

Let’s March on Selma for our rights

Let’s fight with the Chicanos for their rights and not just on holidays you choose to celebrate and donate on Tuesdays.

Let’s actually fight against oppression instead of progressively creating a race full of babies that hate the ladies that make the babies even Tupac stated it

It’s that crazy

Let’s fight at stonewall to show what fighting for love looks like

Regardless of it being a man or woman wanting their true body.

But why is it all these fights are not seen as equal fights or all given their rights?

Why did it take until 2015 for marriage rights to be legal in the gay community?

Why did it take 2023 for many to see how so many communities still do not know how to speak up for themselves?

Why is it someone else’s love is someone else’s business?

Why does it matter who I love? Who I marry?

Why is my life to be seen under a microscope but there are still R.I.P T’s and nameless graves stacking up like a deli sandwich in my DNA

As if that’s the only place they see slaves

I mean lower class citizens

I mean colored

I mean minorities working away their time to still not get a livable wage as a servant

You see how all they did was change the “S” in slave and changed it to servant or service?

Any task the oppressor does not want to do such

As a custodian

As a mechanic

As a barber

As all these things we have as pillars for our bonds but it’s funny

you know how America loves to make others cultureS a TikTok trend now everyone wants it the Oky way

A temp fade

WHEN WE ALL KNOW THATS A New York’s east end thing or Bronx or the boricua corners

Please enlighten me on why my love and color is tested?

You have an idea to make me a new scene

Is there a dot you can put me on to follow me like a trend line to see when and where I’m going to flatline to prove that I was not


I was a statistic

I am not




Worth anything

Worth staying

I can say I’m black and be told not enough.

I can say I’m Mexican and be asked to speak Spanish as if the language I was taught was a party trick for your amusement.

I can say I’m trans and get asked what is in my pants. Or that I am not a man at all

1664 love was tested

1976 love was allowed to some

2015 most were allowed to be married

2023 all those rights were challenged, taken away, or simply put on display for all to see who is deemed less a citizen.

I think that’s why love was torn from the start

It never was meant to be more than arms length

Leave space for Jesus

And never ever to “mix”

That’s funny how someone can deem what is love between others, but still will try to make us fight against each other

It’s 2024

Time to go back and fight.

performance poetry

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