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10 Years

The typical question.

By Zae JohnsonPublished about a year ago 2 min read
10 Years
Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash

A typical question older teens and adults are asked; "where do you see yourself in 10 years?" Usually, it takes people a while to come up with an answer, especially when they don't even know what they're going to eat for dinner or when they plan on being in the exact same spot in 10 years (which would be an embarrassing response to give). And when they do finally scrape together a somewhat decent response, it's the same old BS. "I want to live a better life, maybe buy a big house," "I plan on getting my mom her dream car", "I want to apologize to this person or that." But who ever does what they say they're going to? We're a bunch of hypocrites. Even me.

In all honesty, I've always hated that question, but that's because I've always hated my answer. When I was younger I said I wanted to be famous or I wanted to have a horse or a boyfriend. All cop out answers so I didn't have to think about my future. And those are just the answers you'd expect from a 5 year old horse girl/hopeless romantic with big eyes and even bigger dreams. But now it is 10 years later and let me tell you, I didn't accomplish any of those (yet). And it makes sense, doesn't it? I, too, gave a BS answer so why would I ever do anything to achieve those goals if I didn't believe I ever would? I followed in the path of every gloomy-faced couch potato American. What I'm trying to teach you is exactly what people need to learn; Telling yourself that you want to do something doesn't mean you will, but telling yourself that you will do something makes it that much easier to do it. It's all about believing in yourself.

So, now the question is, where do I see myself in 10 years? All jokes aside, I plan on being famous, having a horse named Olive, and having a boyfriend (maybe even a husband). But it goes far beyond that. I expect that I'll be a published author, a founder of my own non-profit, a co-founder of a non-profit with my favorite bonus mom, and a well-rounded 25 year old. Do I have big dreams? Sure. But why do we find it so astonishing when someone has a goal and they are taking the steps to follow through with it? It's a sad reality that needs to be nipped in the bud before it's too late and dreams are a thing of the past. What's stopping you from having big dreams? All it takes is a little courage, a dash of confidence, and a whole lot of self love. With those 3 things, you can join me on the path to success.

Now the question is; Where will you be in 10 years?

social commentaryinspirational

About the Creator

Zae Johnson

Hi! I'm a young writer in the process of writing a trilogy. I write fiction, non-fiction, and stories based on my life experiences. I write to entertain so I hope you enjoy all of my work!!!

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