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The Latest Photos from Pluto

Beautiful space

By TheMoChampPublished 7 months ago 6 min read

in 1946 NASA took the first photos of

our beautiful home planet from outer

space and took us on a beautiful Journey

where we started getting images from up

there almost 20 years later we got to

see the first closeup image from

Mars we spent most of the time exploring

our neighborhood it took us a while

until we got a little further on the

edge of our solar system where there's a

small world lurking in the dark scary

abyss of

space one scientist found it almost 100

years ago he was actually looking for

Planet X it's a mysterious Celestial

body he believed was hiding somewhere on

the periphery of the solar

system instead he stumbled upon Pluto it

wasn't easy to find though considering

it's smaller than the

Moon Pluto has a different orbit when

you compare it to others from our solar

system more elliptic that means that

even though it's so far sometimes it

gets closer to the Sun than

Neptune so we got the first photos of

Pluto in 2015 and then at the end of

2022 NASA shared a pretty cool photo on

their Instagram profile where they

wanted to show the true colors of our

most popular dwarf planet it was taken

at a distance of more than 22,000 miles


it sometimes all you need to do is

follow your heart and Pluto kind of took

this literally you see this white thing

it's the heart of Pluto which is in

reality a giant Glacier made of methane


nitrogen because of its heart the

atmosphere of the dwarf planet is


backward one part of its heart is a deep

Basin filled with nitrogen ice when the

Sun rises over the ice there heats up

some of it then becomes gas and goes up

into the atmosphere during the night

that gas gas cools down and goes back

into the Basin in the shape of ice again

it's similar to a heart when it's

pumping blood into the body so it's like

a heartbeat of

Pluto and because of this unusual

heartbeat winds on the surface blow in

the opposite direction to Pluto's

spin the surface of Pluto is covered in

ice but it's not the type of ice we have

on Earth it's a combination of methane

nitrogen and water

the surface is quite cracked and full of

craters besides this and other white

Parts you can see it's also a little bit

brownish red yellow and orange

shades when you get closer you can see

Pluto has incredible mountains icy dunes

and flat glacial Plains extending to its

Horizon and what about right mons it's a

volcano 2.5 mil high and 90 M

across Pluto is small but it still has

its own atmosphere it holds gases that

evaporate from all the ice on the

surface when you combine those gases

with sunlight and considering Pluto is

so far away from the Sun you get the sky

of a very specific blue

haze Pluto has five satellites they're

just some small ice bodies with

irregular shapes one Theory says that

these are remains of some gigantic

Collision that happened a very long time

ago the biggest and most interesting of

them all is called cheron and Pluto has

a specific relationship with cheron

they're possibly a dual system cheron

has a mass eight times smaller than

Pluto which is not that much considering

it's just a

satellite both of them have one center

of gravity that's located outside of

Pluto so they kind of revolve around

that common point and face each other

with the same side all the time and

they're only

12,120 M away from each other which is

20 times less than the distance between

us and our

moon unfortunately we can't see much in

these photos so some things remain a

mystery for now like a vast liquid water

ocean scientists believe it might be

sloshing under its surface similar to

other bodies in our solar system that

might also have hidden oceans below the

surface Titan Europa and Enceladus

and when you have a liquid ocean below

the surface there's a great chance the

dwarf planet might still be tectonically

active for example it has many fissures

that might happen because of a hidden

ocean that's gradually freezing water

expands as the temperatures go down and

Below an icy crust it pushes and cracks

the surface like a regular ice cube in

your freezer would

do NASA took more astonishing images in

space in 2022

let's remember some of the shots from

the first couple of months of the last

year take a look at this image of the

Moon above our planet's Horizon taken on

January 21st 2022 talk about enjoying

the view up there huh and check this one

where you have one of Jupiter's four

biggest moons called ganam it was on

February 25th when it cast a shadow on

the planet and they took the image from

a distance of

44,000 Mi then you have another one

taken in March where the solar Orbiter

showed us the Magnificent outer

atmosphere of the sun it managed to

catch its extreme ultraviolet light wow

imagine how powerful it

is Insight Mars ler took a final selfie

on April 24th

2022 to capture such a photo the arm of

the robot has to move a couple of times

sadly it was the last pick the robot

managed to take red martian dust covered

it solar panels so the robot couldn't

get enough sunlight without solar energy

the robot simply can't

operate moving on to June 14th and this

image NASA didn't take in space but it's

still cool it's a full moon in view

close to the emis 1 Mega Moon rocket at

the Kennedy Space Center in

Florida teams were preparing this rocket

for a rehearsal a couple of months

before launching and a few months later

on November 16th spec s watched its

launch from Kennedy Space Center the

NASA spacecraft took this photo 57,000 M

away from

Earth deep in the heart of our galaxy

unusual things happen we're not talking

about a region where Stars slingshot

around what at first seems like an empty

space researchers had theories about a

super massive black hole hiding there

and they believed it could affect the

movements of the

stars but until 2022 it was only a

theory however in May 2022 they managed

to capture the first image of this super

massive black

hole don't worry I know it seems like

it's right next to us when I say it's in

our galaxy but it's 27,000 light years

away from

Earth of course we can't see it with the

naked on if we want to put the size of

this mysterious black hole into an

earthlings perspective us trying to see

it from the surface of of our home

planet would be like we're trying to see

a dut on the

moon black holes catch and trap whatever

comes close enough to them including

light but they illuminate because of

glowing streams of all that matter that

fall into them so they cast a shadow the

shadow is nearly 2 and a half times

bigger than its Event Horizon that's the

boundary of a black hole through which

nothing that passes can go back


the Hubble Space Telescope captured some

awesome things in

2022 for example the view of this

stunning Grand Design spiral galaxy

that's about 53 million Lighty years

away from us it's a type of spiral

galaxy with a specific design it has

these specific spiral

arms spiral galaxies are common and

they're all across the universe but you

don't get to see those grandly designed

spiral galaxies the arms of the one NASA

captured are filled with bright areas as

there's more and more material gas and

dust it's all becoming dancer after a

while Stars Are Born out of all that

material in the inner part of these


arms that's it for today so hey if you

pacified your curiosity then give the

video a like and share it with your

friends or if you want more just click

on these videos and stay on the bright



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