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You can be anything

Be your best self

By April Liao Published 2 years ago 3 min read
You can be anything
Photo by LOGAN WEAVER | @LGNWVR on Unsplash

I had a moment today I was looking at my family . Our history and what all of them have accomplished . I’d have to say I’m very proud of some of the things they’ve done . My uncle Paul played baseball professionally . My dad works as a boss at a large factory . My brother had a deal with fabletics and optimum nutrition . My sister in law Aubrey does ultrasounds. My step mom is the secretary to the owner of a large non profit organization . My cousin Brandon plays baseball professionally. Then I stopped and thought . Wow I can literally be anything. If I train hard enough and do enough with due diligence . I can be anything I want in my life. I can be a actor , musician , a nutritionist, literally anything is in our grasp.

Reaching for the stars is very literal if you want something . You can do it . You can heal from the past . You can be happy and love life again. You can write and be a professional soccer player . You can work for Disney or universal. You can do all those things at once . You can be exactly who you want at any age . The beauty of life is you keep learning growing and changing . You could write an award winning book. You could become Model or a poet . I believe in you . Keep going and never give up on you or your dreams . Always keep going and always persevere. Always practice forgiveness and love others always . Never hold today against a person tomorrow just love them .

Love people so whole hearted that they always know you really cared. Love your friends and keep people in your heart always . Remember the noble good deeds the people you love do for you always . Forget the past and keep going forever . Keep joy in your heart . Keep love and peace your language . Try your best to be patient so as to not yell it does no good. Be gentle with each other and with children . Love children and animals the most because they are too small to stand up for themselves. When you get success in your life be kind to each other . Be good and everyone love everyone . Be happy and never give up on your friends . You become friends because you love eachother so much . Give each other hope in the world . A don’t judge others and stay kind through life’s journey .

Keep life peaceful and have life flow like beautiful flowers . Growing and continuing in life becoming more beautiful. Becoming better with everyday. Never staying small but becoming who you are . Big bright, beautiful, and overflowing with the grace of life . Never be less for other people . Never listen when people say you can’t . Because you can do anything . You can create , thrive , and be the best you always. Never think you are incapable . You can learn anything and be anyone in life .

Everyone in your path is meant to grow in life . We all are learning and we all are meant to be something big . Just never give up on yourself ever in life . There is always something for you and your niche . Something someone can learn and a better place you’ll be . You have your people and you’ll all become something together. Anything that you can do alone you can make a team with your friends.


About the Creator

April Liao

I am a multi faceted person on a spiritual journey and learning on the way.

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