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Write down your bucket list!

achieving your goals can be a great hobby

By Christina EpperlyPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Write down your bucket list!
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

In the year of 2012, I started my bucket list. I liked the idea of writing down my goals and crossing them off one by one. After writing down the ideas that were in my head, I turned to the internet for more inspiration. Since then, I have crossed off many items from my bucket list. I have also added many items to my bucket list. Currently, my list has 315 items, including the items that I have already crossed off. My bucket list is filled with a wide variety of items. It includes simple items like drawing on a pair of shoes, swimming in a pool with glow sticks, and sleeping on a trampoline it also has more difficult items like reading the Bible cover to cover ,being able to run a mile easily and flying in a private jet. Every time I cross an item off my bucket list, I feel a strong sense of accomplishment. Having a bucket list and crossing off the items on it has become one of my main hobbies. My blog that I started about my bucket in 2015 has also become one of my main hobbies. Even though I write about a lot of different things on my blog other than my bucket list, I do not think that my blog would be what it is today without my bucket list. I often hear people talk about something being a bucket list experience or being on their bucket list however from what I have been able to discover most of these people do not have a bucket list that is written down. They have goals and ideas in their head ,but trust me, it is easy to forget bucket list items when they are only in your head. The purpose of this article is to encourage everyone to write down their bucket list. It makes it much easier to remember what your life goals are when you have them written down. It is also a lot more fun! I know I said it already, but I will say to it again. There is something so satisficing about crossing items off your bucket list. The sense of accomplishment that you get when you cross out a number on your list is a truly beautiful feeling. There is no way that simply doing something that you have wanted to do could give you the same feeling as actually marking off a number. Having a bucket list is also something that can help people get to know you more. You can tell a lot about a person just by looking at their bucket list. Also, if you ever play an ice breaker game where you have to say an interesting fact about yourself, saying that you have a bucket list that is written down is a great thing to say. You can also tell people how many items are on your list as a second interesting thing about yourself . Having an actual bucket list is a great conversation starter. Another great thing about having a bucket list is that it is a great topic for a blog, vlog, or podcast. I honestly do not know why more people do not write their lists down. Having a bucket list can be a great form of self care. In my experience, having a bucket list helps to build self-confidence, and it can be a source of positive memories when you are feeling sad. There are many positive points to having a bucket list, and it is a hobby that anyone can start. I have two main pieces of advice for people who are building their bucket list. Number one, try to think of things that you really wanted to do years ago. Adding your childhood wishes to your bucket list can be a lot of fun. Number two do not make it too hard. Be sure to add items that are easy to cross off so that you do not become frustrated. I hope this article has given you some inspiration to start a bucket list or to make your current bucket list even longer. Happy bucket listing!

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About the Creator

Christina Epperly

Hello There ! I'm a blogger, writer and bucket lister! My bucket list has over 300 items on it. I am big believer in enjoying the little things in life. I also love collecting toys.

John 3:16

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