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Work Hard in Silence

Shock them with your Success

By Khurram JuttPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
Work Hard in Silence
Photo by the blowup on Unsplash

In a world of constant busyness and noise, it's easy to lose sight of what truly matters. It's easy to get caught up in the daily grind and forget about our dreams, aspirations, and goals. But sometimes, it's necessary to take a break from everything and disappear for a while to come back stronger and surprise everyone.

This message is for athletes, administrators, nurses, doctors, students, communicators, pioneers, inventors, entrepreneurs, preachers, and anyone who refuses to stay stagnant. It's for anyone who wants fulfillment, the next level, and a higher quality of life. It's for anyone who is willing to eliminate distractions and disappear for a few months to focus on themselves.

We live in a culture that glorifies busyness and productivity. We're told that success is measured by how much we can accomplish in a day, how many emails we can respond to, and how many meetings we can attend. But the truth is, success isn't about doing more. It's about doing what matters.

Sometimes, the only way to bring about change is by disappearing for a while. It may mean deleting an app, walking away, or falling back into a dark room to focus on yourself. It may mean going on a retreat, taking a sabbatical, or simply taking a break from social media. Whatever it takes, do it.

A man is rewarded in public for what he does in private. The countless sleepless nights, prayers, and tears that went into their success are often overlooked, but they are the foundation of everything that follows. Behind every successful person is a story of sacrifice, hard work, and dedication.

But it's not just about the work we do. It's about the person we become. When we disappear for a while, we have the opportunity to reflect on our lives, our choices, and our priorities. We have the opportunity to confront our fears, our doubts, and our insecurities. We have the opportunity to become the person we were meant to be.

We all have limited mental capacity, and the more distractions, delusions, and negativity we allow into our minds and hearts, the less energy we have to fulfill our destiny. It's time to do an appraisal of everything and everyone in our lives and ask, "are you worth my time?" If not, it's time to unplug.

It's time to get real and ask yourself if this version of yourself is enough to carry you to your destiny. If not, it's time to disappear for a while and focus on what matters. It's time to shut out the world and focus on yourself. It's time to become the person you were meant to be.

Some of the most monumental and transformational portraits and pictures were developed in the dark room, and the same can be said for our journey towards destiny. We celebrate public figures for their success, but we don't know the story behind the glory. We don't know the sacrifices that were made, the hardships that were endured, and the obstacles that were overcome.

But we do know that every successful person had to disappear for a while. They had to eliminate distractions, focus on themselves, and put in the work required to manifest their moment. They had to unplug from the world and plug into their purpose.

So, if you're feeling frustrated with the lack of progress, it may be because you haven't been willing to forsake distractions and put in the work behind closed doors. It may be because you haven't been willing to disappear for a while and focus on what matters.

But the good news is, it's never too late to start. It's never too late to disappear for a while and focus on yourself. It's never too late to become the person you were meant to be.

So, take a break. Disappear for a while. Focus on what matters. And when you come back, you'll surprise everyone. You'll surprise yourself. You'll be the person you were always meant to be.


About the Creator

Khurram Jutt

"📚 Curator of Words | 🎨 Creative Storyteller | 🌍 Explorer of Ideas

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  • Som Daniel10 months ago

    Wow, this post is exactly what I needed today! Your words of encouragement and positivity have truly inspired me to keep pushing forward towards my goals. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and for being such a great source of motivation. You are truly making a difference in the world!

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