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Why your next marketing plan should include a trip to the county fair

Think locally for your marketing dollars

By Michelle SkinnerPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

I believe hard work should be appreciated, people who have found their passions should be celebrated, and advertising dollars should be spent in unique ways. And I’ve found the perfect solution to accomplish all three just by a trip to the county fair. Don’t believe me? Read on.

1. How often do you hear from an older generation, “Folks just don’t know what hard work looks like,” or even from employers lamenting the work ethic (or lack of) of today’s employees? If only there were future employees out there who knew the value of hard work and dedication…Let me tell you a little about how my daughters spend their summer days. They wake up at 6:15am and take their four-wheeler down to the barn where their animals live. (It’s only ½ mile, don’t worry.) After washing three cattle projects, working with five sheep projects, and feeding all eight animals, they come back to the house to eat breakfast about 8:30. Sometimes I go with them to pick stalls or create content for social media, but I sure don’t help with their chores. (Mainly because they won’t let me; I’m just a mom and have no idea what I’m doing, remember.) After helping on the ranch all day, they start their afternoon chores at 3:30pm to repeat their morning process. In the evenings, they also practice showing each animal, so they don’t (hopefully) misbehave in the show ring. 4-H and FFA participants all over are working hard all summer getting ready for their fair and the accompanying livestock sale – the fruits of their labor. Your organization’s support by buying an animal shows these future employees (I’ve got one destined for small business ownership and one who should be an attorney) that your organization supports and rewards hard work. They’ll remember your support. How do I know? RDO Equipment purchased my oldest daughter’s first market lamb. With that money, she turned around and invested in John Deere stock. She now has literal and figurative ownership in that company.

2. Now, I’d like to think that they’re just gosh darned hard-working individuals, but this is something else. They don’t even argue about doing chores. You heard me right: they don’t argue with me. The adage “If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life,” could not be truer than these two girls taking care of their animals. They’re passionate about their 4-H projects, both indoor and livestock, and they work hard year-round because they genuinely love it. I would imagine most 4-H and FFA kids are the same way. When you’re at the next fair, and you see some kids hanging around their animals, just ask them about their projects. You’ll see their eyes light up, they’ll puff up their chests with pride, and they’ll look you in the eye while they spend the next hour telling you all about their project(s). It’s magical to see that kind of passion.

3. Be unique with your ad spend, and here are a few reasons why. On average, people receive over 250 emails a day, you have literally two seconds to make an impression on social media with your ad, and millions of music and TV streamers have taken away the effectiveness of radio and TV advertising. You have to think of creative and innovative ways to grab your ideal customers’ attention. Speaking of ideal customers, if your ideal customers look like fellow business owners and representatives, family farms and ranches, and or students with the potential to make a serious investment, you’ll find them all at your local 4-H/FFA Livestock Auction. Besides being where your ideal customers are, you’re contributing to the community – corporate social responsibility – a trait desired not just by your customers by also by prospective employees. Check out this quote from

Roughly 82% of U.S. consumers actually consider corporate social responsibility when deciding what services and products to buy and from where. Similarly, a survey of millennials’ work habits indicates that 86% of Generation Y workers greatly value their companies’ corporate social responsibility programs and would quit their jobs if those programs started to slip.

In conclusion, your marketing dollars will have the most impact when you spend them locally with a community focus. It's the best investment you'll make all year.

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About the Creator

Michelle Skinner

Adventures with my two daughters and a dozen show sheep provide some serious lessons about life and trying squeeze in some time to write. Follow me to find out how it's going!

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