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Why the F*^% Am I Here?

The Journey of Man

By S.A. BodhiPublished 6 years ago 5 min read
Why the f*^% am I here???

The age old question, “Why am I here?” Its variations: “What am I meant to do with my life?” “What’s my purpose?” “Where will I end up?” As human beings, we ask ourselves this countless times throughout our lives. We change jobs, leave relationships, move across the country, or even the globe, searching for the answer to this question. There’s a deep yearning within all of us, whether we completely realize it or not, to live a life of purpose. To feel as though we’re making some kind of difference. To make an impact in some way, somehow during our existence. This can be a guiding light for those who pay attention to it, leading the way to one’s passion and bringing a deeper, more fulfilling sense of happiness to life. So, how do we get there? How do we find our calling?

What if I were to tell you that you get to decide what your calling is? What if I said life is what you make it? What if I told you that you incarnated here with all the tools needed to make your life whatever the hell you want to make it?

Oh here we go, more mainstream spirituality bullshit. Well, yeah, to a certain degree. But I wouldn’t call it mainstream. What modern spiritualists are “discovering” is what ancient religious texts tell us has been common knowledge since the beginning of man. So what do these texts say? Here’s a few tidbits:

  1. You are a spiritual being, having a human experience.
  2. You are not your body. You are not your emotions. You are not the difficulties you’re experiencing in this life. You are light! Energy! (Science says that too!)
  3. Everything you are experiencing in your life, you chose! (That’s bound to ruffle a few feathers.)
  4. Your thoughts and words dictate the direction of your life.
  5. You can use your thoughts and words to manifest every little thing you want into existence.
  6. You have to work at it!

So that’s just a summary of a summary of a summary of what every ancient spirituality tells us. Who’s to say any of this is real? Who knows? But the most successful people in the world employ visualization (essentially what we’re talking about here) to achieve their goals. So, there must be some truth here.

So how does this tie in to finding your purpose? You get to choose your purpose and manifest it into existence!! That’s exciting when you think about it. It’s also like deflating a balloon. “But I thought I would see a psychic and they would tell me I’m meant to become a politician, a writer, a singer.” Well first off, don’t see a psychic who tells you what career path you should take. That takes the choice from you. Don’t ever let anyone take your choice away from you. Secondly, a psychic should be able to tell you what your talents and strong areas are. This is important! You don’t need a psychic to determine that, though. Sit down with a pen and paper and determine that for yourself. While you’re at it, write down what you LOVE to do. The things that, if you had all the money in the world and no responsibilities, you’d choose to do for fun. Now we’re getting somewhere.

Once you’ve established these lists, you know what you’re good at and what makes you happy! That’s huge! It’s a hard thing to figure out, so kudos if this came easy to you. If it didn’t, you’re like the rest of us, so don’t feel too bad. These lists can take days, weeks, months to fully write up. We’re living in a fast-paced, get-it-done society and we’re discouraged from using introspection to determine our desires, the deep, real desires that bring long lasting happiness and purpose into our lives.

When you’ve established your lists, you can link the two together to determine what you’re both good at and what makes you happy. That’s the first step. Now you can see if there’s a way to make money doing what you love to do. This is tricky. This is where dreaming happens. We’re also a society that frowns upon dreaming. But embrace it! This is where the magic happens!

Once you’ve figured out what to do, you have to figure out how to do it... this is where most people stop the process. Sometimes we just don’t know how we could feasibly do it. And that’s okay! You don’t need to have it all figured out. But you do need to work on believing that it could. The possibility of living your dream life. Doing what makes you happy and receiving money for it. Radical thought!

In order to manifest, you need to practice concentration and visualization. Why? Concentration is not something most of us innately do well. It’s hard to focus all of your attention on something, not giving in to outside distractions. But we have to learn how in order to begin visualizing.

Visualizing is a lot like daydreaming, but with purpose. You can imagine exactly how it would feel to live your dream life, once you’ve figured it out and then learned to hold your concentration. This is key. You need to be able to visualize with all five senses; sight, sound, taste, touch, hearing. Pull whatever sensory information you can into your visualization. FYI: I’ll be writing up a little something about concentration and visualization in the near future.

Then KEEP DOING IT. Every day. Set aside 10-15 minutes to concentrate on your visualization. Don’t let it slip. That’s when the dream slips. And then believe in what you’re visualizing. Believe it’s possible. Let the chips fall into place for you.

When you send out the broadcast of your dream life, someone somewhere else will act as a receiver to that broadcast and get you exactly what you desire. It will all come together for you. Do the work, believe it can happen, and watch it unfold.

Maybe you’re doubting this process. I get it. Sounds too easy, sounds preachy, sounds gimmicky, sounds like a load of bullshit. Sure does! I agree! But I’ve used this method. As have thousands before me. It works. What do you have to lose? This process definitely won’t cause anything negative to happen, that’s for sure. So if it doesn’t work, you’re no worse off than you were.

What you focus on is focusing on you. You attract what you’re looking for. So make sure your focus is set on what you want. Not the opposite. Decide what your dream life looks like and give it a shot. Your happiest self is waiting.


About the Creator

S.A. Bodhi

... finding depth and clarity in the experience of this sweet life...

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