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Why Should You Write?

If you are wondering about the benefits of writing or thinking "Why should I write?", you can read further.

By Ganesh KuduvaPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 4 min read
Why Should You Write?
Photo by Art Lasovsky on Unsplash

In 2010, I returned from a family vacation with my wife and my 3-year-old son for about five days. I unnaturally felt like writing about that trip. I had never written in the past until that point. I believe some of my experiences that I had on that trip made me write about it.

I shared it with some of my friends. They said I had written very vividly that they could visualize the experience very well.

Ever since, I have been blogging, writing articles on Medium and Vocal lately. I have gone further with my writing interest and written a book on "Running.", which is in the proofreading stage. I plan to publish the same in about 45 days.

Why I Write and Why anyone should write, is the focus of this article. I completely understand that writing is not everyone's cup of coffee. Despite that fact, if you are thinking, "Why should I write, and what are the benefits?." here are some gripping answers.

Writing grows clarity

The clarity in your thinking will emanate as you begin writing. It will stimulate your thinking. To start with, what you think and what you write may not match exactly all the time. When you rewrite or edit an already-written piece, you might cogitate more clearly. Your clarity in thinking will start evolving.

When we have better clarity, we make better decisions. With better decisions, our involvement and focus get better. It leads us to get better results. As a result, we become happier, and our lives become fulfilling.

Say you have started going to meditation classes, and you are a newbie in that. Writing about your meditation experiences will bring more insights into how it is helping you. Your observation about your activities, approaches, thinking, and all may become much clearer when you start writing, as you progress with classes. Meditation was an example. It could be anything that you do. When you write about them, they act like a mirror to you. It will bring out your true intents about things in front of you.

Writing enrich the expression of life

Expressing ourselves, our thoughts, our ideas can best happen when we write. It can happen through our speeches as well. But as I understood through my experiences, writing does work deeper with our thought process.

For example, I have been in Toastmasters Club at my workplace. We share stories as part of developing our public speaking ability. I realized that my speech got more powerful when I scripted my speeches by taking help from mentors. It kindled my thinking to good extremes and helped me bring out the intent of the story.

You would notice your values, thoughts, feelings, and actions start to align when you write. When that happens naturally, others might experience you authentically. Your expression of life would enrich.

Access to inner-self

There is a difference between writing and talking. When we talk, our speech pace can match our mind's thinking. But when we write things down, we are forced to interrupt our mind in how it thinks of moments and events. Our minds would start to work much harder or differently than it usually would in expressing ourselves through writing.

As our mind slows down, we even have opportunities to get into uncharted territories of our mind and our being. By doing so, we even find pieces of ourselves more and see the whole of ourselves.

Access to inner-self happens by other means as well, such as meditation, a run. It can happen by other means as well, mostly in the moments of solitude. Writing can provide those moments of solitude.

Healing emotions and feelings

People love to share their life happenings with friends and relatives. They need ears to hear their stories, be it good or challenging times. People share because they feel relieved from the emotions/feelings by sharing their success or failure stories to which they connect more. Of course, people love to share good moments as well as a way of sharing happiness.

As much as talking to a trustworthy friend or a relative heals our emotions, writing can equally help.

When you can write to yourself about your successes or failures, you have the opportunity to get relieved. And to learn more as well in your pursuits.

Rewinding our lives

When I think of why I write or blog, this comes up as one of the main reasons.

Imagine how looking at our childhood pictures brings genuine smiles to us. Reading what we have written brings back our memories and lived moments. When we read our positive memories or stories, we have more possibilities to become motivated and energized.

For example, I tend to read my blogs, and I find the mojo to do more challenging things than what I had already done. I once had run 24-hour ultramarathon run and blogged about it. When I read about them again, I sometimes wonder, "Did I really do that?" And it brings me back the energy that I need to do another challenging race.


If you have never written about your travels, life events, emotional experiences, and many such things, you should take time to write. You would find you are taken to a different and magical world when you do it. It might demand an unworked part of your brain and brain muscles to work harder, but it would only in the initial few days. It would only get better as you write more regularly.

You would find more happiness when you write more because when we can best express ourselves in any form, we live our lives more beautifully.

When are you going to start writing?

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About the Creator

Ganesh Kuduva

LinkedIn Top Voice | Founder - Runner Forever | Health & Wellness Coach | Author of BE A RUNNER FOREVER (Available on Amazon) | Corporate H&W Speaker | Follow me for posts on Health and Life Skills (

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