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Why is Mindset so important?

The number 1 key to success is having the proper mindset

By Osana WasutPublished 4 years ago 9 min read
Within you right now is the power to do things you never dreamed possilble. This power becomes available to you just as soon as you can change your beliefs. Maxwell Maltz

Today, I wanted to share some ideas about mindset, and why having the proper mindset is the most important things to cultivate when going after the life of your dreams, and everything else in between.

The problem with mindset, is everyone says it, "oh well you gotta have the right mindset."

Which left me wondering, well what does that even mean?

So I have been studying mindset now for the last few years of my journey, and I have learned that it is very much true, mindset is important, and its the number one thing that I start with my clients on. Is their Mindset.

Nothing else matters, if they have a crappy mindset, there is no point in going out and working on your goals, it's simply a waste of time, because if your mind isn't on board with what you want, you will have a very hard time achieving those goals.

Take weight loss for example, and I speak from my own experience.

Years ago, I was overweight, I went to the gym every day, sometimes twice, I ate relatively healthy compared to what I used to eat, and I really expected to lose weight.

However, what I didn't know or realize back then, was that my mind, was not on board.

It constantly told me that I couldn't lose weight, obesity ran in my family, and there was simply no point.

Of course, those limiting beliefs affected me, and guess what happened?

I didn't lose weight, not very quickly anyways, it was like 1 pound per month if I was lucky...

Fortunately for me though, I never gave up, and I eventually started to dive into the books & documentaries on the powers of the mind, and how we can really do anything we want, as long as we believe it and hold that vision in our minds first.

I started to work on my shitty mindset, I started to observe the things it would say, that inner critic was very critical, but I no longer would listen to it, instead I started to replace it with empowering beliefs, so whenever that little inner critic said "You cant lose weight!" I replaced it with, "I can and I will lose weight!"

At first, I felt like I was lying to myself, but before I knew it, I had truly started to change that limiting belief, into an empowering belief, and then I truly started to believe that I could in fact lose weight.

Now this was where the fun started, because I kid you not, the weight literally started to melt away... Friends started to notice, and would ask me what I was doing, I told them, well I go to the gym & eat healthy, but that wasn't what made the difference, it was when I finally changed my mind about it, and started to really believe it was possible for me to lose weight when it started to really happen.

This started me to ponder, man if I could lose weight by changing my mindset, what else could I do?

This of course led me down a completely new path in life, a path of unlimited possibilities. I have done more in my life in the last 1-2 years, then I did in the 10 previous years. All because I changed my mind on what was possible.

We are often consumed by patterns of thinking, that occur every day without fail. Some of these thought patterns include:

-I'm not good enough

-I'm not talented enough

-I'm not educated or skilled enough

-I just cant seem to hold onto money

-There are more successful people than me

-There is not enough to go around

-I'm selfish for wanting more

The list is endless, but these are just a few common ones. Things that we think on a regular basis, that are not true, but we believe them to be true.

After all, a belief is just a thought we keep having over and over again.

When we become self aware, and start to observe these thought patterns, we are much better able to change them, but we must first become aware, and this is why self reflection & meditation is so powerful.

If you take the time to practice a physical skill, such as playing the piano, or playing a sport, then ideally it would be of utmost benefit to you to start to practice improving your mindset.

All that you have to do is decide on a new outcome for your life, because once you make that decision, no matter how big or crazy it might seem to you now, you will start to imagine the future of it.

You don't need to know how something will happen, heck when I finally got over my own limited belief about myself regarding weight loss and changed it to a more empowering belief, I didn't know how it was going to happen, I just kept moving forward to this new vision of myself.

Your brain doesn't know the difference between your imagination and reality, so whatever you hold in your mind, you can hold in your life.

The thing is, most people don't give much thought to what they want in life, they give a great deal of thought to what they don't want, they don't want to be broke, fat, depressed, lonely... But they never give much thought to the flip side of this.

(I wrote a post on this as well- How to figure out what you want in life)

The moment you make a new decision about your life, no matter what it is, you create a memory in your mind that it has not happened yet, and this change in your brain, gives you new ideas, thoughts & inspiration that will become the how.

The how comes after you make the decision to improve your life, your self, your health, your finances, whatever it may be. Don't worry about how you will do something, all you need to do right now is change your mind and decide on a new outcome for your life.

Remember that you are a powerful creator, and when you start to make new decisions about your life a few things happen.

1. You start to have new thoughts, ideas & inspirations that are in direct alignment with that decision. Then the how becomes revealed to you. For me when I finally decided that I could indeed lose weight and be slim & healthy, I was actually guided to quit the gym, and start going for long walks out in nature each day. It was through the walks, that I felt at peace, in a mindful state of being, and I was no longer pushing or forcing the weight to drop, it became like a natural bonus.

2. It changes your perception of reality quite profoundly. We only are experiencing about 8% of the reality around us, and when you start to open up to the possibilities of life, new people, events, or opportunities will present themselves to you that will help you reach your goals. Just know that there is much more going on here then we can imagine, and you are always guided in each and every moment.

We have the ability to recreate who we are, in each moment, of every day, by changing our mind, our thoughts about things, and therefore completely transforming our lives.

We can spend our days in either two states of being, the first state is a suffering state, which arises from thoughts of anxiety, overwhelm, fear, doubt, grief, but know that suffering is separate from any experience we have, but the suffering itself comes from your thinking about this experience. Its the meaning you give the experience, and this can be changed.

The other state we can be in, is a beautiful state of being. This is where the beauty and magic of life arises, and we are left with joy, bliss, gratitude and love. This is the state I remain in most of the time, and whenever I observe myself dropping into a suffering state, which I inevitably do from time to time, I become aware of it immediately, and I observe why I am feeling this way, and most of the time its because I am having a thought about something, that is most certainly not true, and so I change it.

All suffering is caused by our own thinking, and the thinking that is causing this suffering is your own limiting beliefs.

Your brain is a goal achieving machine that brings all these limiting (or empowering) beliefs into reality, so its up to you and only you to decide on what kind of life you want, one that mirrors all the limiting beliefs you tell yourself, or one that mirrors all the empowering beliefs.

I don't know about you, but I choose to hold empowering beliefs about myself, and I hope this has helped you to come to that decision yourself, for its a beautiful way to live, and you know that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to, and yes it all starts with your mind.

If you want to be a pro golfer, but you think you suck at golf, then before you even play another round, go inside and change that thought that you suck, even if you actually do, change it to "with more practice I can become better & better at golf" Or something like that.

Every limiting belief that you have was simply created from meanings that we gave our experiences when we were younger, and when we realize this, its in our power to change everything about our lives.

So I hope this post helped you, if you are interested in learning more, I write a lot about this type of stuff, as its one of my passions to write.

I also offer life coaching & transformation online courses, so feel free to go check out my website-

Thank you so much for reading!

With Love & Light

Lindsay @ World Dreamerz

Continue reading:

How to deal with self doubt

How to make money doing what you love


About the Creator

Osana Wasut

Sharing my stories with the world. Writing has been a great tool for transformation, and I feel like I am only starting to dive deep into the self. Life is a wonderful gift, live to the fullest!

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