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How to Make Money Doing What You Love

While living an extraordinary life!

By Osana WasutPublished 5 years ago 8 min read

Today, I wanted to talk about the idea of doing what you love while getting paid for it, because from my own experience, it seems that so many people are just worried about making a living, which really isn't all that hard to do, but we over complicate things greatly, and then we can't seem to step outside of our comfort zone to go towards a life of greatness, because playing it safe is comfortable, but far less fulfilling.

We are entering into a new age for humanity. This is something I talk about a lot because we have really just begun, and this will take time to fully unfold, but we made it, and with that shift, many things are going to change, and that includes the way we see work.

Actually, it's been said that a lot of jobs will not be needed anymore, and I have noticed this greatly over the last few years. Things that were once the popular thing to do are now becoming obsolete. Take the oil and gas industry for example.

I've been saying this for years now. No one believed me, but now they are starting to see for themselves that one day we won't rely on oil and gas, and therefore, many jobs will be lost... I am from Alberta and have seen this very much over the past few years.

So in this post, I want to discuss ideas on how you can make money doing what you love and not having to rely on a job or paycheck to get you through life. Once you can step away from the idea of working a job for money and start to open your mind to the possibilities that are out there, it's actually mind blowing how many things you can do to make money.

A question I get asked a lot is, well how can I make money doing what I love?

To answer that, we must first figure out what you love to do, and so many haven't a clue because its not something that we are encouraged to think about...

Generally, we tend to just settle for whatever we can get, and we don't put too much thought or effort into doing something we truly love to do, because that can be rather scary, especially when society doesn't encourage that and wants you to just work a safe and "secure" job.

Job security is not a thing anymore, and so working a job for that reason of security is scarier in my opinion then following your heart and doing what you love to do.

So now, how do you figure out what you love to do?

Well, you go inwards and reflect. You think about what things you would like to do with your time if money wasn't a worry, and often it's the things you were doing between the ages of 7-14 that is what you love to do.

Self-reflection is key here. You have to know yourself, what you like and what you don't like. This has been my journey for the past several years now, getting to know myself and learning what I truly love to do.

Ponder the question:

"If time & money were not a concern, and you were guaranteed to succeed, what would you want to do?"

That's when the mind starts to open up, because the fear of failing is gone and the fear of running out of time or money is also gone, so you come up with what you truly want to do. For me, it always came down to writing, which is something I love to do, and man, if I could get paid to write, I would be a happy lady.

Of course, once you figure out what you love to do, such as writing, then you start to brainstorm ways to make money from that. For example, there are many ways to make money through writing... Starting a blog, writing a book, writing for other people blogs or websites, etc., there are so many ways.

Now I get it, there are some things that you love to do, and you are sitting there feeling like you can't make money doing that, and if you did, it would start feeling like work to you and not an enjoyable experience anymore.

So the trick here is to find a few different things you love to do and slowly start to monetize them all, creating passive income streams coming in.

Say you love to ride your bike, read spirituality books, and you have a passion for helping children learn about the arts, just as an example.

So maybe you could start a children's biking group where you incorporate bike riding while teaching children about art. Maybe once a week you can do a four-hour afternoon bike session, charging $80 a kid for this biking art adventure, and take five kids at a time, or whatever you feel comfortable with, and ride around town for two of the four hours, and then do a two-hour art class in a field somewhere.

I just came up with that off the top of my head, but you see? It's easy to come up with ideas on how to make money. In that four hours at $80 per kid for five kids, that would bring you $400, which is $100 an hour... Not bad for an afternoon of doing something you love, riding your bike and teaching kids about art!

Once you figure out what you love to do, which is one of the harder things to do, but worth the effort a million times over, then you can start to figure out ways to make money off it.

I've often said to people, I don't care what it is you love to do, I can figure out a way you can make money from it. Especially in this day and age, things are changing very rapidly, and people who follow their hearts and chase their dreams are far more supported than they were in the past.

It is the time now for humanity to step outside of our comfort zones and pursue our dreams, because we are much more supported now, and for me, thinking about what my life would be like if I didn't follow my heart and pursue what I know I wanted in my life actually gives me a tremendous amount of motivation because I know that I don't want that life, I don't want an average, mediocre, or "normal" life...

I want an extraordinary, magnificent life, so pursuing my dreams is less scary than not pursuing them, as I don't want to wind up working for someone else for the next several years of my life. I want freedom above all else, and yes, that includes turning down job offers of over 100k per year because it doesn't align with what I truly want out of life.

Once you figure out what you love to do, no matter what it is, then you can start to figure out how to make money from it. Go start finding other people who are a couple years ahead of you that are already doing what you love to do and study them, see what they did, read their story, figure out what they did, because more often then not, they were right where you are at one point, and they have a story to tell of how they went from having a love of riding their bike to turning it into a six-figure or more income.

We all start somewhere, and a big roadblock for so many is comparing ourselves to others. If someone is further ahead than you, don't feel like you can't do it; instead, see that as motivation that they did exactly what you want to do, and now use them as a model for inspiration.

Find people who are ahead of you and don't compare yourself to them, just see what they have done and copy that. Find your role models and study them, because we all have a story to tell.

You don't have to know all the answers, just trust that you will be guided every step of the way, and believe me when I say this, you are supported far greater by a higher power (God, the Universe, Higher self, etc.) when you follow your heart and go after your dreams.

You didn't come here to work a job for 40 or more years, just barely scraping by, living paycheck to paycheck, you came here to live the life of your dreams, to have an extraordinary life, and to do what you absolutely love to do.

You deserve to be abundant, you are worthy of living a phenomenal life, and never doubt your magnificence, for you are an incredible being of light!

I really hope this helps you out, and if you are interested in working with me, I offer a free "someday maybe" discovery call to help you get clear on what you truly love to do and give you a plan on how you can get from where you are today to living your dream life.

Don't put your dreams off for someday maybe, do them now!

Find that here :)

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and if it helped you and you want to learn more, go check out World Dreamerz!

Namaste dear ones, thanks for following the adventures!

With Love and Light,

Lindsay @ World Dreamerz


About the Creator

Osana Wasut

Sharing my stories with the world. Writing has been a great tool for transformation, and I feel like I am only starting to dive deep into the self. Life is a wonderful gift, live to the fullest!

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