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Why Being Single Is So Frickin Awesome...Unexpectedly

It is a blessing in disguise. Truly.

By Justine CrowleyPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Why Being Single Is So Frickin Awesome...Unexpectedly
Photo by Valeria Zoncoll on Unsplash

Super mum or not. For me personally, being single rocks right now. In all honesty, I did not expect to be saying this right now. I did not expect to pull the plug on what was a great relationship just over a week ago now. When you find out that your partner is cheating, in both a pandemic and lockdown, while at the same time, forgetting that I was due for my first COVID-19 vaccine two days later; it comes as an emotional and psychological shock. More so when a psychic astrologer tells you that he will be a life long partner, based on your charts being "aligned." Long story short: he returned to his ex. Sure, I was upset, yet I am super thrilled that I am single right now. Let the singles party begin!

Firstly, my health has dramatically improved the moment yours truly became fully single (and not looking) again. This is not to say that I will be single forever. Just get through this longish lockdown first, and be fully vaccinated against delta. Once things re-open, the time will be ripe. I have noticed consumption of junk food go down, and I am drinking more water. Being single, you have the time to focus on your health. No one else is telling you how to exercise and when. You can pour all of that loving energy into yourself, and you will know that it will return itself a thousand fold. No more cheating partners, and having to deal with their emotional and physical issues. No more having to track fertility calendars. No more having to worry about getting STD's, unless you still want to do it; you can enjoy yourself and be more selective on who you want to do it with, without any attachments.

By Bruno Nascimento on Unsplash

When you are single, you somehow have more time to exercise. You can go out whenever you want, and you also have the bed all to yourself. No one else snoring next to you, and no one else hogging up the blankets on a cold night. You can also spend more time with your family too.

Being single also means that you have more time to focus on your friends. A vacuum is created to allow your friends in to help you heal, and in turn, if you give more energy to them; they are the ones that are going to help you in the long run. Speaking of friendships; they will naturally be more healthier when you are single, because there is no baggage filled partner to moan about.

By Melissa Askew on Unsplash

You will just have more time to focus on your work and your business. More time for you, without taking on anyone else's baggage, because we all have some of that. That could also mean a greater earning capacity. Relationships are also expensive.

You are free to travel, and when current restrictions lift, the travel world is your oyster. You are free to relocate and move house if you want to. You are free to study, and to work as much or as little as you want.

By Thought Catalog on Unsplash

A week and a bit in, yours truly has also found that being single is a special time. It is a sacred time. You get that time back in order to reflect on your life, and the trajectory of it. You have time to focus on your values, and to be fully organised again. You feel more in control of your life, as you are no longer directing more of that energy focusing on someone else and their wellbeing into yourself for a change. You can pick up new hobbies and interests, and where you might meet more people. You can also spend more time with your neighbours. It is a great time to volunteer, if that is your jam. Being single is also a great time to study, and to just explore you, and to give yourself some time to heal from that last relationship that ended, either abruptly, or via the slow burn method. Be your own superman.

By Yogi Purnama on Unsplash

If you want a new relationship; this valuable time spent in being single helps you be clear on what you want, and on what you are willing to put up with (and conversely not to put up with) in your next relationship.

By Content Pixie on Unsplash

This is the time to love yourself more, and to really put yourself first. It all makes sense: you really need to love yourself, before you can love another person. This is the way the world works. Some people love being single, and will be more than happy to be single forever, while others always want to be partnered up. There is no right or wrong. The relationship does not make you happy and not lonely. Remember, you are responsible for these things. Just enjoy being single for what it is. I am having a blast already. Thank you.


About the Creator

Justine Crowley

Freelance Internet Moderator/UX Writer/UX Consulting Designer/Graphic Designer

Lives in Sydney, Australia. Loves life.

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