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Whole Unto Herself

Find yourself a Virgo to love

By CurioCityPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
No photo credit available on Deccan Herald website.

Oh good! We've got another Virgo here to tell us how it is! And surely she won't be able to take a joke. Those Earth signs are all so serious - dug in, so to speak. But you know....this place could use some tidying up, so lucky for us, the Virgo is here!

I must admit that I have had a love/hate relationship with my Sun sign of Virgo for quite some time. This also seems entirely too appropriate for this particular sign! From what I can tell you either love or hate a Virgo in your life (and often that is based on whether said Virgo loves or hates you in return). Virgo can be a fairly polarizing sign and I've only recently come to a greater understanding of her myself.

Virgin: Whole Unto Herself.

Finding this definition was a tipping point for me, like a veil being lifted. No longer was Virgo the cold and uncaring sign - the stubborn know-it-all. Suddenly, there was a deeper side to this mutable and changeable Earth sign. Whole unto herself. Virgo simply doesn't need your systems and your rules - she's gonna do things the way that works for her and she can't help it if that's an efficient and organized way (though anyone who truly knows a Virgo understands that this "organization" makes no sense to anyone besides the Virgo). This self-determination can be off putting. Especially when it comes from the deeply rooted and grounded surety of an Earth sign. Unlike the fiery passion with which our beloved Leo's will take the stage. We're used to displays like that, but this grounded inner knowing of a Virgo throws people off - trust me, it confuses us Virgo's too!

Anyone who has ever been loved by a Virgo will know we truly are the most practically loyal and caring people you will come across. We will mark our entrance to a party with intention and a quiet presence while we quickly manifest your favorite snacks and alternatives for others who may be in attendance. You may not hear the Virgo enter, but you will know she's been there when you see the table is suddenly arranged in a strangely logical manner. But to be clear, our organizational abilities will come out where it matters to us, so please do not assume that all Virgos are good housekeepers! Ask anyone who has lived with a Virgo - they will attest to the piles and filing systems that make so much sense to the Virgo, and not necessarily anyone else. Please, whatever you do, avoid the urge to clean a Virgo's office when it appears they have not had a chance to do so for ages. I guarantee this will be the worst idea you will ever have.

While Virgo isn't the sexiest sign - not like a Scorpio and that stare (if you know, you know) - we are caring in a way that passes many people by. You will know that if you've ever been camping with a Virgo and had an extra blanket seemingly appear out of nowhere because they know you always get cold (and hate to admit that so will never pack your own). And if you don't have a Virgo that you love, believe me, I understand! It's taken me a while to get there too. Do you think I wanted to be the sign that is always told how good they are at work?! How bloody boring is that!?

Over the last few years, I've been learning more about the constellation that is my natal chart - rather than looking just at the one bright Sun sign. And this has helped me to see the strength in my Virgo Sun. She keeps the light and airy Libra energy grounded (exceptionally necessary as I have 6 placements in this sign!) and reigns in the wanderlust of my Sagittarius Moon (just enough to keep us constantly running when there is nothing to run from).

Whole unto herself. This feels big for such a small phrase, but I'm growing into it. I've come to see how this is the key to Virgo that most people don't understand. Yes, there will always be practicality to Virgo as she and the Earth are so very tied to each other. And yet, there is a magic in that union - an ability to infuse intention and ritual into every day. To make organization and work things of beauty - works of art. Once I started looking at Virgo more, I began to see the softness in her edges and the ways she keeps herself for the ones who deserve her. She's not cold and removed - she's particular about who has access to her wholeness. And yes, this includes being choosy about how and when she allows herself to access her full majesty. Virgo will show you she cares in ways that will impact your daily life - small and beautiful ways. If you can look past the practicality of these actions, you will see the love and care - you will begin to truly know Virgo. This is something I am still learning to do, and as much as some days I would still love to be any sign but Virgo, don't you dare try to sell me that new horoscope crap and tell me I've actually been a Leo this whole time!


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