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Adventures in Freewriting

Unedited writing session #1

By CurioCityPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
My notes and the book.

Unedited freewriting session after reading part of “Bringers of the Dawn” by Barbara Marciniak. I have been doing more freewriting and usually the messages are very clearly for me. In a group journaling session this morning, this is what came up and I feel drawn to post it here. If it resonates with you, please check out the book I mentioned above. If you’re curious about my other writing, please look through the other stories I’ve got here. Thank you for the space to post this! Again, this is unedited freewriting.

So what do we do with this new information that we are continually getting? Trust and integrate what resonates - what lights you - not the fake love & lights that bypasses the eliminating of the darkness - of the shadow- they are made for balance and they are here to be understood - to always seek the light - draw it to you and also be aware of the dark - for the rest it offers - for the contrast - for the space - we see Space as mostly void & it is mostly stars & light & it is blocked in so many of your spaces and places - it is blocked by those who want you to stay small - so know it is there. Find images to remind you - bring in pictures of space, of vastness, of light - remind yourself daily - get out into nature as it is a force that cannot lie - that cannot be quieted - no matter how we try - how the forces that feed try to demolish it - to trample it - it still exists - so go out into your pockets of nature - even pictures of trees help calm people - that is the power they have. That is the power in you all - they could not change the DNA and nature of the plants and the stones and the nature - they could change humans & some animals - but nature itself remains. This is why they want you to have so many devices in your home - so be aware and not fear those frequencies themselves - you can alter your state to not be as affected by them - this is in your power - so many others are so afraid and the fear is what keeps them trapped and susceptible to the frequencies - trust that your body knows how to block these, how to eliminate these - trust that you are learning the ways and will be drawn to them - natural fabric and natural products in your home - sold through fear of production, but it’s a trick to get them to you - so do not rush out & change it all - you will naturally come to do so - look at your food, look at your clothing that you are drawn to - continue to shop by instinct - feel - vibration. Move to the places and spaces that feel right to you - eat what makes your body since - listen to the music that makes your soul move - enjoy the spaces where you are drawn into your sensuality - the places that feel luxurious on a deep level - a remembering of a bliss that is inherent in your body - that was ever tapped down to make you controllable - trust your inclinations to the natural spaces that bring you joy - that bring you perception and trust that those are helping to reactivate your code - to wake it up - to help you remember - you can live in the places you need to for your energy - they may be regulated by your money energy or your time energy - and be mindful of bringing in the balance that you need to work with these spaces. If you do not see the light in your space - get outside - bring it in somehow as naturally as possible - to remember you are part of a lighter whole - a knowing whole - and as you come to live more in your remembrance of your light and your assignment - know that you will be drawn more and more to what you need for your new vibration - you will tolerate the lower spaces less and less - be physically repelled by them - so trust your inclinations away from what is no longer in alignment. Be aware of the energy you feed - of the hungry who are having less & less to feed from these days - they will stir up more chaos & more fear in order to have a buffet for them - you do not have to participate - you can be aware of the events in the world & know they are part of a greater process - a necessary dismantling of the structures that no longer serve - that were cages disguised as pedestals - they were keeping us chained to an easy energy, a powerful energy - an ignorant energy. They were keeping us controlled - so move as you can to the truth you know - the pull in your soul to a deeper understanding, a greater knowledge - the knowing you have that there is something larger than yourself & you only need to tap into that memory - that code - a lot of this will feel familiar - will remind you of other voices, of other speakers - and it is not a new message. It is meant to be repeated in many ways to catch the ears of those who need to hear it in this way - who need to hear it in many ways to pick up on the patterns - we are deep into this human conditioning and it often takes a message many times to be heard - it takes a recognition of a message to bring verification - to encourage more exploration - so these messages may seem like they are coming in so much more - like you just read this somewhere else - you have & you are meant to - if you feel I am saying what many others have already said - know you are meant to begin listening more - begin following your curiosity - be creative in your exploration - be free in how you take in this information - be free in how you bring it into your life & know it will help you remember - it will help you to activate what you need to.


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