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Who Do I Need To Be To Achieve My Purpose

Hard Truths We Need To Tell Ourselves

By Johnny NezhaPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

What came first? The chicken or the egg? And what comes first, life purpose or self-identity. Many people would hastily say one over the other, but I would beg to differ on this one. How do you find your purpose if you do not know who you are, and respectively, how do you create an identity to fit your purpose. Now, considering I have discussed about purpose extensively and massively in my previous articles, in this piece, instead, I would wanna focus on how to find your who. You need a pretty strong who with your whys, and more often than not, you will find out who you are based on what makes you tick the most, and what entices you the most.

No.1 step I brusquely advice to everyone that asks me this question is, be ready to annihilate your former self. If you want to be something you are not, you need to do things you are not doing. I do not want to go off the tangent of “Get away from your comfort zone” because it is such a broken record and overplayed enough that every time I hear somebody say these things, marshmallows start raining. People have made this sentence an “in vogue” thing when in actuality it is one of the most uncomfortable things one can ever deal with in their life. We as humans are made to preserve our livelihood, very few have the gift to “alright, hands in the air, we’re pooping this” kinda attitude. It doesn’t matter how crudely you make your former habits dissipate, they need to go. Remember, you are the mathematical addition of your thoughts you took action upon. I believe we ought to be optimistic about the future. Not naively optimistic but be a possibilitist. There’s a good plethora of 90% of the time to be depressed, disgruntled with a wide range of animosity toward the world, and trust me, I feel you to the core on that, if that is what you experienced, but you need to grow out of it. I think life is worth living even if there is a 10% of it worth living. I mean, what choice do we have really? Being miserable our whole existence? Or finding a clement point of balance and just stick to that, maybe even to a point of insensitive numbness where you just pay bills and move on? Ask yourself those harsh questions. Face your demons. Isolate yourself for a while. Cry in the rain. Cry in your car. Be angry. Let frustration let loose. Let all hell loose. As long as you bounce back with a resolution. Feel the feelings and think the thoughts. Do not buy into the fairytale of tomorrow one day I will fix those things. Tomorrow I will have the energy. Statistically, tomorrows give us less energy because of age, not more of it. Today you are the oldest (thus, wisest) you’ve been so far, and the youngest you’ll ever be. Cut the BS. Life is too short for mediocrity. Stop waiting for that copacetic perfect moment where all planets align from there, they never will until you do.

In my generation and especially with the upcoming ones, we simply are not as hardworking as those before us. We have lived a sumptuous life compared to theirs, and that’s why they chastise us for breaking so easily in front of challenges. We are a lot more inside our heads. We are master procrastinators (although the world now has so many more distractions) and we really cannot afford to be idle considering how the system has been rigged against us, and prosperity has been taken away from us. We are the cheated generation, and that is why it is pivotal and paramount that many of us find their Who’s to their Why’s because this world will not be run by itself. So hurry up, because time is our biggest luxury and scarcest resource out there.


About the Creator

Johnny Nezha

ENTJ-A. Founder & CEO At Khleon. I question everything. I’m driven by intense purpose; aiming for the pinnacle in the pursuit of self-actualization. I analyze for a living. Dismantling illusions since 1994.

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