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What are positive thoughts?

Turn the personal experiences of all those enumerated in!

By THIYAKUPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Positive thinking is about not thinking negatively and cultivating the idea that good things will happen and everything will go well.

Is it hard to behave like this?

In the beginning, it will be difficult to change yourself for this and at some point, it will get used to itself. Widespread opinions about positive thoughts had caused a change in me. So, I decided that what I really needed to do was learn how to do it right. But, not as easy as you think. The reason is that our society as a whole has a lot of negative thoughts. So, no matter where you turn or read, there are still negative messages. Social media and media are sources of negative thoughts. Negative thoughts are at their peak in television debates.

How to behave?

  • How are you, someone? When asked, do not say negative words like, " Something's up, the car is going, I'm around, it's bad, the time is not right.
  • " I'm fine," the lively tell, tell it like it is not going to diminish anything.
  • By saying this, you are mentally encouraging the listener.
  • Do not use negative words such as do not happen and do not get. Believe that will happen. Hope this also passes.
  • Even if it does not happen, consider it positive.

How not to behave next?

  • Do not make comments that will make the next person tired.
  • If you feel that saying one thing is useless, do not regret it until the next.
  • Do not intimidate the next person unnecessarily mentally.
  • Do not use words that demoralize the other person.
  • Do not look for grievances of someone nearby.
  • Don’t make speeches that make the next person mindful.
  • Do not point out physical/physical defects.

Training will improve us

Only after we start practicing positive thinking will we realize how many negative thoughts we have. Currently, I do not like to read or watch negative news. Anything that causes anger, anxiety, stress, or anxiety should be avoided altogether. Why should we keep sorcery at our own expense! 🙂.

The benefits gained by positive thoughts

  • No need to worry about anything.
  • Doesn’t seem to think anyone is jealous.
  • Even if others say wrong, they can easily be ignored.
  • We will not be thinking about what others have said wrong.
  • The violence in the mind will decrease.
  • Everything will go well.
  • Even if something bad happens, there will still be an advantage.
  • Doesn’t seem to see anyone as an enemy.
  • It would appear that we have been fighting with so many for so many days.
  • Nothing seems to be the problem.
  • Everyone will look good.
  • Anger will be reduced / will not come.
  • There will be no stress.
  • Others will treat you with love.
  • How happy are you? They will ask in amazement.
  • Don't we have problems ?! That comes with suspicion.
  • There will be no anxiety.
  • Without the burden of the mind, it would be like flying.
  • You will feel the freedom of nothingness.
  • You will think of anything and do it calmly.
  • You will feel that something good is happening to you.

See how many benefits! 🙂. You are losing all of these opportunities by chance due to negative thoughts. All of the above is a personal experience, no lies 🙂.

Want to get rid of

Everyone wants to get out of negative thoughts, stress, anxieties, anger. The reason is that the current lifestyle gives everyone a crisis like this. So, everyone wants to get rid of this. The biggest change is that at first, we thought we had to change like this. If the heat stays the same, it will be easier to follow.

Loss only by negative thoughts

Only affected by negative thoughts. There are many benefits to following positive thoughts when good deeds happen eyes Why do you seek and follow negative thoughts that give you stress, anxiety, tension, sadness, irritability, stress, jealousy, bad? The world is not as bad as everyone thinks, circumstances determine everything. If you think that is the problem then everything is a problem. Do not deceive yourself by justifying negative thoughts by making some exceptions.

  1. If you start noticing the good that catches the eye, then the good scenes that have never been seen before will be visible to your eyes.
  2. I say because the eye is looking ahead, experiencing and feeling.
  3. The power of positive thinking is immense. Think good and good will happen. This is not a story but an empirical fact.


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