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Unleashing Creative Potential

Why Creativity is Your Greatest Asset.

By Jennifer Lancaster @jenergy17Published 5 months ago Updated 5 months ago 5 min read
Unleashing Creative Potential
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Day 13/366 days of writing an publishing pieces in 2024.

"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere." - Albert Einstein

"But I'm not creative." I hear this a lot from clients who take my courses or work with me in my coaching practice. And when I do, I call bullshit. We are all creative. Even if you are reading this and shaking your head no, I call bullshit. We create in different ways. While you may not be a painter, dancer, or music producer, you are creative. Some of us have developed a more intimate relationship with our creativity than others, but that doesn't mean it cannot be developed given the right soil and environment.

I wish the world made more time for creativity, and I wish the school system fostered it more. I believe they do a better job than when I was in school. Back then, there weren't many creative schools, and I would often have my seat moved for talking. I was bored in school. I didn't find it creatively challenging or inspiring, mainly because I am so right-brained.

Creativity can be used in so many ways and can definitely be developed within a person. I love asking my clients to use their imagination. I find that when I ask powerful questions, it's very easy for me to get them into their imagination. Thinking of characters, sounds, colors, fabrics, and smells they love helps unlock their creativity.

One of the mottos of the company I am certified through for life coaching is this: "Create the thing you wish existed." I believe that motto can be used in various ways when we ask ourselves that question around all of our projects. I used that question one day on myself when I went for a run. I did not want to run, but I was in the middle of training for a half marathon so it was kind of non-negotiable for me in my training plan. My plan was to run later in the day, but when I looked at the weather, I noticed that it was going to storm later. So I had to run sooner and get it done before the storm.

I was resistant, but committed. I headed to the park, luckily with a great playlist and a mindset practice I created years ago for this. I put the music on and started my run. I allowed myself to get really present despite my resistance. "Create the thing you wish existed" echoed in my mind. How can I make this an easier run? That's what I wanted to create in the moment. How can I use my imagination here to take some of the mental anguish out of this?

Gratitude. There was a beautiful breeze that I could tell was kicking up because of the storm later, and it felt good on my face. I gave thanks for it. The air and temperature were crisp. As I stepped to the beat of the music, I allowed the sound to penetrate my cells. Damn, this is a great playlist that I made, I thought. I'm so glad I got this time with my music.

As I ran deep into the forest, I noticed the vibrant green color from it being Spring, my favorite season. All of a sudden, I imagined myself in an animated scene in a Disney movie. The trees were now cartoon-like and personified. I imagined them clapping for me as my feet hit the pavement. I started to laugh inside at this scene I was creating in my mind. Was this from all the times I used to do LSD? Nah. The music, the air, the green, it was all part of it.

The run became easier, and with each step, I imagined my feet making sweet love to the earth beneath me. How intimate can I get with this run? How deep can I allow my imagination to run? How can I find more and more beauty in this? These are questions I often ask myself in my life in everyday moments. When I ask, it is given: always. Through presence; that’s the key.

With each step and each creative thought enhancing this run, I smiled more and more. I started doing my affirmations in my head. "I choose love. I am love. It feels so good to be love." With each step, I felt lighter. "Look at the trees clapping for me. Listen to the sweet sounds of that drumbeat in this song. Feel that cool air."

I smiled and took a deep breath in. "I choose love. I am love. It feels so good to be love." Words are vibrational. Thoughts are vibrational. Feelings are vibrational. You see, you are a creator. You have a piece of the creator within you. You create your life every single day. You create, and you are creating with the medium of your own energy.

Maybe you haven't realized the power you have over that energy and how you can guide it, transmute it, manipulate it, or enhance it. That's where the imagination comes into play. The easiest way to develop your creativity is to ask yourself better questions about it than you have been asking. How can I get more intimate with this moment? How can I enhance this? Ask yourself how you want to feel. Then, what do you need to be able to feel that? Music? Color? Taste? Smell? Touch? These five senses will lead you to your sixth sense and Divine guidance: your intuition. And your intuition can guide you into the deepest levels of creation if you let go and allow yourself to just be fully there.

You know how to create. It's the programs and the way we learned growing up that may have gotten in your way. But creativity is our life force, and accessing it is our birthright. Creativity will help you navigate tough situations, whether it's a resistant run, a new innovative way to do something, or a new way to make money. There are too many stories of people turning their whole lives around through the power of creativity to say that you don't have it. You do. Perhaps you just haven't been awakened to it yet.

In a world that often undervalues and overlooks creativity, it's time to reclaim its power and embrace it as our greatest asset. Whether you identify as a painter, dancer, or music producer, or not, remember this: you are creative. Your imagination holds the key to unlocking infinite possibilities and transforming your life. So, dare to ask yourself better questions, dive into the depths of your senses, and let your intuition guide you. Embrace your birthright as a creator, and watch as your life unfold in ways you never thought possible. It's time to awaken the dormant creativity within you and create the world you wish existed.

What masterpiece will you create with the canvas of your imagination now?

Go do it.

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About the Creator

Jennifer Lancaster @jenergy17

Multidimensional Creative-preneur

Life Coach, Personal Trainer, Artist, Writer. Formerly in restaurant business for 3 decades. Soul expression is my ❤️ language. Spirituality,music, art, food and creativity fuel my life. IG @jenergy17

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  • Test5 months ago

    Fabulous work! Keep it up

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