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Understanding the Basics of Fat Loss.

The Role of Caloric Deficit.

By Md Nazmul IslamPublished 12 months ago 8 min read

the sad truth is the vast majority of

people who attempt a diet to lose fat

they fail but what i've found both in

the literature and with helping

thousands of people successfully

transform their bodies is there's four

things that if people just simply knew

before dieting would greatly increase

their chance of success today we're

going to reveal what those are and how

you can use them to your advantage

so most people are unaware that not all

body fat is created equally within our

fat cells are two receptors alpha and

beta receptors you're soon gonna

remember them as alpha for awful and

beta for beautiful this is because alpha

receptors they tell our body to store

fat rather than burn it whereas beta

receptors they do the opposite and

encourage fat to be burned off for

energy so where in the body do we have

the highest density of these awful alpha

receptors well for males to protect our

internal organs we have the highest

density within our belly fat and our

love handles for women for child bearing

purposes it tends to be around the hips

and waist

this is what makes these areas so

stubborn to lose fat from yet

unfortunately is also where most of us

starting a diet want to lose fat from

first the belly fat a lot of times is

the last thing to go and just all this

stuff like i was seeing myself gradually


fat in certain areas and i still saw

like my belly or like i would still see

like the stubborn fat in my stomach be

there man if i don't see

like eight pack abs in like two months

and i'm like been

over 25 body fat for like the last three

years then i'm gonna quit which then

leads many of us to question is there a

shortcut to burning off fat from these

stubborn areas for example can abs

exercises be used to spot reduce fat

from stubborn areas like the belly well

a 2011 paper tested just that and found

that six weeks of direct ab training

five days a week had no effect on

reducing belly fat in overweight

subjects in fact there's been studies

that have tested all the most popular

solutions to losing stubborn fat that

even i've tried out in the past in hopes

of a shortcut despite the proposed

theories behind these methods studies

have consistently found that no avoiding

carbs past 6 pm is not going to help no

early morning fasted cardio won't help

no there aren't any special foods or

unique diets that can help target these

areas and no high intensity cardio

workouts won't help either so that all

doesn't work then what does well there

is a method that i found and

successfully tested with thousands of

the members of our built with science

program here's archie he applied this

and successfully lost his belly fat and

love handles and here's katie who did

the same to lose her fat from her most

stubborn areas and here's two more

examples from kevin and dominico who

lost it by applying this one thing and

this one thing that was key to their

success is actually something that you

all have with you right now but just

haven't properly applied it what is it

well i'm gonna let one of our members

archie reveal it for you it was like

eight months

of time like just going and going and so

even in like four months in where i was

like dang it bro what the heck is going


it could have happened that way you know

it could have been like four or five

even six seven right before

i really started to see like my abs

start to pop trust the process and just

stay consistent and you will see those

results if you just continue to go so

realize that only once you've lost

enough fat cells from other areas of the

body will your body then start focusing

on burning off your more stubborn fat

cells for energy in the meantime embrace

the other changes you're experiencing

that most people overlook

when most people go into a diet they

expect their weight loss to look

something like this a steady rate of

weight being lost every single week but

take a look at the one year weight loss

graph of one of our built with science

program members james do you know the

ups and downs the reality is depending

on how much you've had to eat whether or

not you've used the washroom how

hydrated you are or some combination of

all the above your weight will vary up

to about five pounds day to day scales

and weights will fluctuate all the time

and mine did if you're seeing your

weight go up one day and then down one

day and then up one day and you're like

what am i doing right what am i doing

wrong to account for this we recommend

all of our built with science clients to

weigh themselves every single day using

the same scale first thing in the

morning after they've used the washroom

before they eat or drink anything if you

apply this you're still going to see

some variation but it won't be as big

then to improve this even further there

is something that we emphasize with all

of our clients but it took me a while to

realize all right let's try and live

with this over kind of a trending

fashion rather than

this is what i am day to day today and

try and measure on that because you're

just going to drive yourself crazy mine

was definitely looking at kind of week

by week how hours going especially in

the later stages of

losing weight in the first few weeks

you're going to notice a big drop from

losing mostly water weight from then on

it should still trend downwards just not

as fast but be prepared for periods of

two to three weeks where your weight

just doesn't budge or may even increase

this is completely normal when this

happens it's important that you remain

patient and keep your stress levels low

rather than doing anything crazy or

coming to the conclusion that what

you're doing isn't working in the event

that your weekly weight hasn't budged

for at least three to four weeks then

that's a sign that it may be a good time

to finally change something up

although most of you watching will say

you want to lose weight what you

actually mean is you want to lose fat

this is a really important distinction

if decreasing the number you see on the

scale is your only goal you can achieve

this pretty quickly by eating very

little food and doing a ton of cardio

the problem with this approach though is

it won't leave you looking the way that

you want this is because weight is made

up of both fat and muscle although the

very low calorie high cardio approach is

gonna help you lose weight quickly most

of the weight you do lose is going to be

muscle rather than fat the result pretty

much just a smaller skinnier version of

you but with some of the negative side

effects of muscle loss such as fatigue

and hunger to look and feel the way that

you really want you need to lose fat

while preserving or even building as

much muscle as you can in the process to

ensure that this happens as you lose

weight there are a few things that you

can do first off as i've covered in past

article you want to focus on slow gradual

weight loss losing no more than one

percent of your body weight per week

while also lifting weights regularly but

aside from this there is one thing that

seems to be increasingly important

especially with new research emerging so

what we did in our study in my lab was

we had resistance trained females and we

had we split them into two groups one

group we had them increase their daily

protein intake and the other group we

had decreased their daily protein intake

so both groups were naturally eating

about 0.7 grams per pound

the low group we said you have to

decrease it they ended up going all the

way down to 0.4 grams of protein per

pound of body weight

the high protein group increased their

protein all the way up to 1.1 grams per

pound of body weight

and at the end of the eight weeks the

group that increased their protein

intake caused an increase in muscle mass

and a little bit of a decrease in fat

mass as well

what made this study really interesting

is when we look at the total calorie

intake so the high protein group yes

they increased their total protein but

that also resulted in them increasing

their total calories

they increase total calories by about

250 calories per day now normally when

you increase calories you think you're

going to gain body fat but that's not

what happened they actually had a

significant loss of body fat compared to

their baseline levels and remember they

increased their calories all in the form

of protein

the other group that decreased their

protein intake they also had a decrease

in total calories now normally you would

think well you would lose body fat in

that case but they didn't

so there's something unique about the

protein content here that also

contributed to the changes in their body

despite increasing calories or

decreasing calories so how do we apply

this to the to the everyday user of

protein supplement or protein intake

what we suggest is if you can increase

your protein

and you don't have to go to 1.1 grams

per pound if you can just increase from

where you're currently at i believe that

you will get a body composition benefit

but if you can if you can reach that

gram per pound or even more i think that

you get more and more of a benefit

so we've been talking a lot about weight

and even went through the importance of

weighing yourself consistently but the

weight scale doesn't reveal all and it

can get extremely frustrating when

you're doing everything right but it

just doesn't seem to budge this is why

you need to look at other measures of

progress our team of builder science

coaches have every single one of our

clients not only weigh themselves

regularly but also take progress

pictures keep track of their strength

during their workouts track their waist

circumference and monitor their

physiological changes the good thing for

me was measuring

other things like my strength

i may be plateauing with my weight loss

i may be the same as i was maybe a month

or two ago

but my strength has actually gotten

quite a bit better if for example your

waist size is decreasing you're feeling

more energized than normal and you're

making positive changes with your habits

then trust that you're moving in the

right direction regardless of what that

number on the scale tells you guys i

can't stress how important it is that

you set up your diet optimally from the

beginning and equally it's important to

know what to measure that's exactly why

within our built with science programs

we've not only created powerful custom

tools for you to track your progress but

we've also designed them to

automatically adjust the plan for you in

the event that your progress slows down

it's been the key to the thousands of

transformations our members have

experienced to get access today just

simply head on over to build with and take our analysis quiz

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About the Creator

Md Nazmul Islam

Hi, I am Nazmul islam .i hope that i will be give you best article for your self. Thank you.

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