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Try Positive Thinking

Only mind controls our body...

By Elayer For AllPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
Try Positive Thinking from Elayer For All

The human brain is the most potent instrument a man has. It can also be his unbearable liability or intolerable torture. While we have the ability to think what we would like to think, this ability is only latent and hidden. Most of the time what happens is, we get thoughts over which we have no control, and we suffer from them.

If we are the masters of ourselves, we should think only thoughts that give us pleasure and happiness. After all, is the ultimate objective of all human endeavors, not happiness? Let us be very clear in our minds, the ultimate objective of all our activity is to make ourselves happy, any other answer is only an intellectual answer not coming from the depths of our heart.

If you give a coin to a beggar, the reason of your ding it is, your conscience wants you to do that, and if you do not have that one coin, the conscience will be gnawing at you. Any other answer like wanting to share your wealth with the downtrodden is at best, intellectualization, or the basis of your convictions.

The real reason is, You want to be happy, giving a coin. If we are masters of our thoughts, we should think only pleasant thoughts.

Let us come back to the theme that the ability to master our thoughts is only latent. Consciously we do not watch our thoughts. We see what comes, we are not consciously creating what we want.

Now, what happens to the thoughts process, if you do not think? The answer simply is, you are the servant of the thoughts process not it's master. You cannot remain without thoughts even for a split second. And the mind has another mischievous machination. If you empty one thought from your brain, another comes in. try to remain without thoughts for 3 minutes and you will understand the infallible truth of my statement.

Herein lies the crux. our mind goes on thinking and thinking ceaselessly, endlessly. In all states of our existence, be it an awakened state, a state of sleep whatever be the state of mind is ceaselessly thinking. If therefore, You do not think positively, Our mind will think negatively, we will see afterward, what happens if the mind thinks negatively. Let us first take a closer look at the process of the mind.

The first point about the thought process is, the mind goes by habit. Once in a bird sanctuary, they made an experiment. Exactly at 11 in the morning, they were blowing a whistle and at 11-05, they gave food to the food. At 11-05, all the birds were out of their cages, their mouths salivating. The minds of the birds, by habit over a period of time, were programmed to expect food when it whistles. The mind went purely by habit and past experience. Once it heard a whistle, it gives the mind a habit of thinking, and it thinks in that particular fashion.

We should now broadly agree on 2 propositions. One is we cannot help mind thinking. It thinks whether we want it to think or not. Our thoughts can be positive or negative. If thought is not positive, it is bound to be negative. What happens if our thoughts are negative? Negative thoughts are thoughts of hate, jealousy dejection, failure, skepticism, disappointment, depression, sorrow, anger, hatred and you know them all. Negative thoughts can at best lead to physical and mental failure, at worst they can lead to an unexpected situation.

Says, We fear not only in our minds, but in our hearts, brains, and viscera, and whatever be the cause of fear and worry the effect can always be noted in our cells, tissues, and organs of our body.

When you are worried and anxious, more blood is taken up by our brain and our digestive organs do not get sufficient blood. The result is not just mental worry, it is physical pain.

Worry is nothing but the interest that we are paying and the problem is the loan. If we worry about a future event, Which may or may not happen, you are already worrying.

But we are paying the interest we have not yet borrowed. If the future problem arises, we have prepaid interest on our problem, which does not make sense. Further, worry prevents clear thinking and adds to further worries. Suppose we worried over a future problem, which did not arise, we have paid interest on a loan not borrowed by us. Again, it does not make sound sense. Therefore, let's stop worrying and start living.

Therefore, the proper strategy is to be able to think positively. That obviously gives us peace of mind, happiness, contentment, good health, and composed thinking.

What happens, if we can think positively? and how to think positively.?

How To Think Positive?

Be conscious of our thoughts. This is the first principle. Now we are thinking, but we are not conscious of our thought process. We are breathing. We are not aware of our breath, we are not conscious of it. Now, start becoming conscious of our thought process. Then what happens, is, we recognize a negative thought when it comes to us.

Slowly, steadily, cultivate positive thoughts. If a negative thought came to us, pause, deliberately inject a positive thought into our brain. Don't allow a negative thought to cripple us.

Once a person came to Guruji and told him,

Every time I go out, I imagine that a snake is going to bite me.

Guruji told him,

Every time you go out, you imagine that you are taking a mongoose with you.

The trick worked the man was happy.

Deliberately, consciously, with effort and awareness, think positive thoughts. Thoughts of strength, of success, of happiness. They will become the habit of our minds. They will drive away unhappy thoughts because as we said, the mind goes by habit, positive thinking becomes a part of our habit.

The third strategy is, picturize what we want. Pictures, in our mind, that we are going to get it. Pray for it. Actualize our wish. It will positively become ours. The fourth principle is, never to participate in a group discussion, which is highly pessimistic.

Remember, thought currents affect one another.

Swamiji said, if you earmark a place in your house, howsoever small it might be, and think positively and pleasantly, maybe about god, about goodness, after some time, enter that room when you are disturbed. The mind automatically stills and enjoys that peace and tranquility. If you are positive, your positivity infests the others around you. If you participate in a negative pessimistic group discussion, unless your thought currents are very strong, pessimism will infest you. Don't allow that to happen.

Our belief at the beginning of a doubtful undertaking is the one thing that ensures the success of your venture. In other words, whatever job we are doing, believe that we will succeed.

Beware of want we want for we will get it.

The secrete of achievement is to hold a picture of the great modern plague. Actually, the mind controls the body and not vice versa. Hypnotism proved it. Hypnotic age regression proved it. But we are paying a lot of attention to the body. For external appearance for so-called health. Are we paying any attention to our mind, which actually dictates our lives?

Conscious injection of positive thoughts will lead to sincere hard work. It gives, above all, happiness, which is the end-all of all human activity.

Above all, the last and most important tip is, to believe in God, in whichever form you like, in whatever manner you like.

Look at societies, which divorced themselves from moral education in favor of materials advancement. The spiritual is overtaken by the mad race for material prosperity.

Now we learn every day, how youth are committing mistakes for the "heck of it". What is the value of our money if we don't have a peaceful mind, which enables us to enjoy it.

Our greatest strength is spirituality and open appreciation of other lines of spiritual thinking. Go back to spirituality, to moral education. That is the best method to remain positive.

Self-awareness includes recognition of our personality, our strengths and weaknesses, our likes and dislikes; understanding & training self-awareness, personal development, improving communications, interpersonal relationships, group dynamics, team development, and inter-group relationships.


About the Creator

Elayer For All

 Edu - Tech - Learn- Invest - Grow

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