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To Every 'No' I've Ever Received

Don't worry, I'll get where I'm going.

By Robyn EPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

Trust me when I say, I've had a lot of interviewers say no to me.

Does it get any easier?


It really doesn't get any easier.

Interview after interview. Face-to-face meetings with someone. Researching the companies, acting and dressing professionally, laughing and engaging in conversations.

You try so hard and hold yourself so high, trying to act as if you know what you're doing.

Only to be told,

"Thank you for your interest, but we've decided to move forward with someone whose skill set better fit the job description."

But thanks for trying!

At first, I used to get really down about hearing those two letters. It would make me feel bad about myself, second guess who I was or what I wanted to do, and just leave me in a depressed state for the rest of the day.

And I'm not saying that these things don't happen anymore. It's just not to the same extent.

One thing that has really helped to keep me positive is this small mantra;

Don't worry. I'll get where I'm going.

I truly believe this. I am 100 percent not where I'm going to end up, but I've made so many steps of forward progress since I started this journey that I know I'll get there eventually.

I have believed in myself, and I know one day my hard work will pay off.

I'll get that dream job.

I'll love what I do each day.

I'll make a difference.

It's all a work of progress, but if you're moving forward, it doesn't matter if it's a leap or a baby step.

All of these "no's" are just paving the way for something amazing to come.

It sucks, and there's nothing wrong with that, but you can either complain about it and let it take over your life, or you can pick yourself up and keep moving forward.

This isn't a dead end. It's just a road block and sooner or later all road blocks open up to reveal a new paved way.

Don't stop dreaming.

Don't stop doing.

Don't give up on yourself.

Soon you're going to get that "yes" you've been waiting for... I just know it.

Soon you'll be able to wake up each day knowing that you get to do what you love.

What a feeling that will be.

To feel appreciated, wanted, loved in a workplace.

It seems like such a foreign concept to me since all of my positions up to this point have been very... replaceable.

It's exciting that one day, I will have a place in a company.

My place.

To belong,

But mostly, to just be.

I can't let that thought defer from the present, though. Just because there's something exciting on the horizons doesn't mean you can't live in the moment too.

We have to learn to look forward to what's coming, while still enjoying what is here.

We can hope and wish and want for something new or better all day, but in the end, it will just make us lose the present moment.

I know I've done this before; I'm sure we all have, but being present and active in your life can make all the difference between enjoying it and just getting by.

You can look forward, but don't forget to look back to where you've come from.

If you're not satisfied at where you are now, that's a good thing because tomorrow is a new day to make your life what YOU want it to be.

Never stop chasing what makes you... smile, passionate, and mostly YOU!

Don't worry, we'll get there one day. :)


About the Creator

Robyn E

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    Robyn EWritten by Robyn E

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