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Things I Have Learned in My Early 20's

Personal Life Lessons That I Have Learned Once I Turned 20

By Kilyn WymerPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

1. Self-care is a necessity, not a luxury. We all need to take time to take care of ourselves. As the saying goes, "You cannot pour from an empty cup."

2. It's okay, and sometimes necessary, to take yourself on a date. Treat yourself every once and a while. You won't have to share your drink or snacks if you go to see a movie.

3. You cannot help someone if they don't want it. Even if they really do need help. They will make excuses every time.

4. Not every situation requires, or deserves, a reaction. No reaction at all is better than something stupid happening in the moment that will later be regretted.

5. No answer is still an answer. Your silence does not equal ignorance.

6. Exercise, exercise, exercise! Even if it's just doing some stretches while sitting down. Not only can it help your physical health, it could help with your mental health.

7. Try to find a balance between saving and experiencing life. It's hard, I'm still figuring it out. But it is definitely worth having a back up amount of money just in case.

8. Keep your circle small. You don't need a lot of friends to know that someone has your back.

9. Friendships and relationships take a lot of work. As an adult, any kind of relationship takes effort. We can lead pretty busy lives, so keeping friendships going takes a bit more work nowadays.

10. Leading a 'boring' life is a good thing. Gossip travels pretty fast, if you don't live wildly, people run out of things to talk about. That won't stop jealousy if you're more successful than those talking about you. (But that can be a good thing!)

11. Don't keep toxic people, or relationships, in your life. Even if it means cutting out family members. If they're not good to your physical or mental health, it's time to let go.

12. Make friends with your in-laws. They may end up being the only family you have.

13. It's okay to not be ready for a baby. Sure, your parents may be ready for grandkids by now, but if you're not, then you're not. Deciding to be a parent and bringing a new life into this world is a huge, life changing choice. And it isn't for everyone.

14. Keep going, and keep living. Life can be hard from time to time, but you can't live your life from a wooden box in the ground.

15. You are beautiful. It doesn't matter what others may think or say. What matters is how you feel about yourself. Plant a garden for your mind, not weeds.

16. Don't be afraid to try new things. Try new foods, learn a new language. Maybe talk to the type of person you normally wouldn't talk to. Try out a new hobby.

16. You are in control of so much more than you think you are. Not happy in your current relationship? Don't cheat, leave. Not satisfied with your job? Try to move up or quit and move on. I know that there are quite a few things that are easier said than done, but when you do them, it feels great.

17. Don't kill yourself for a job that will replace you if you die. I've watched too many people that I care about work themselves to the point that they ended up in the hospital. They weren't even satisfied with their jobs, most ended up fired for missing work because they were in the hospital. It's not worth it.

18. Travel your neighborhood and surrounding areas. Don't have money to travel the world? Why not get to know your neighborhood if you already don't? Neighborhood not exactly safe (like mine?) visit surrounding areas. Who knows, you might find a new neighborhood to live in.

19. There will always be people that will try to bring you down. They'll succeed if you let them. You don't need them in your life.

20. Have plenty of sex. Seriously. It may seem odd, but it's such a stress reliever. Whether it's with your partner or by yourself. If that's not your thing, make time for something else that you enjoy and relaxes you.

21. Not everything will go the way as planned. Sometimes this can be a good thing though. Maybe you thought something was supposed to happen one way, but instead it went another. This could teach you a different perspective, or show you that there's something better coming along.

22. It's never too late to go back to school. Even if it's just a handful of classes, or classes being taught outside of a school setting. Go back for a passion, learn new skills, or to find out what you're good at.


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    Kilyn WymerWritten by Kilyn Wymer

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