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There are "Those Days"...

We all have good days and bad days. We all know very well "those days", when the universe seems to be against us. But what to do then?!

By DoryPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
There are "Those Days"...
Photo by Daryan Shamkhali on Unsplash

We all know that life is not full of rainbows and unicorns, but there are still days when someone asks you, how are you, and your answer is "It`s been a day..." or "You know, this is one of those days..." Sounds familiar?! If yes, let me tell you that you are not alone with it. Also, if you are having one of those days right now... Just keep reading. :)

Why are we all similar with this situations, why is it part of our everyday life?! How can we change this or can we?! Good and solid questions, right?! But do I have a solid answer for this?! Nah... My only answer is that life happens, and sometimes we have no power over it at all. But let`s just look a little bit deeper into the reasons which are causing "those days" days. Just look at the following picture, isn`t it beautiful?! Some would say yes and some would say no, some would say that it looks great in the beginning, but longer they look at it their eyes are starting to hurt. What I mean under this is, that none of us are the same and that we might be similar but will never be the same. So, there aren`t 2 exactly same day either. Sometimes our "those days" make other people twitch and say "That doesn`t sound so bad after all..." But, does it take only a change of perspective to cure our bad days?! In some cases yes, and in others no. Sometimes, we only need to take the time to breathe and think through what went wrong. We might realise that we are upset and mad at ourselves just because of someone else`s mistake, or a circumstance that we had no control over. Should we be mad at ourselves just because the bus was 10 minutes late caused by an accident downtown?! Did you cause the accident?! - No! , Are you a bus?! - No!, Did you leave home on time and did everything you needed to?! - Yes! Then there isn`t anything you could have changed, it is annoying indeed, but how someone told me in the past "It`s like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die from it". Let`s not do that, shall we?! So what to do if changing the perspective doesn`t help, or we are still done with the day and we just want to go home and sleep it off?! Well... I love to sleep, but it doesn`t always solve the problem, also sleeping when you are mad isn`t as easy as we would like it to be. You know there is nothing wrong with feeling emotions, nothing is wrong with being frustrated or angry at the world, the problem starts when we start to bottle it up. Those feelings, even we hate them, can create amazing things. Put all those energies into something you like, go for a run, write, read, draw, ... Look for something you enjoy, but you have never done, use the negative for something positive. Create something good out of it! For me it`s music and movies that do the magic, they let me forget and escape from the every days. They make me feel like myself again in the end of the day. We all have something like this, everybody. Luckily, I got multiple choices, but haven`t we all?! The world is full of options and something resonates with us personally. Probably it isn`t the same thing as it is for your brother/ sister/friend/co-worker… We are all unique and that`s amazing, so having a pick me up that you can turn to can change the whole game. And if you haven`t found one yet… You know, a day is “only” 24 hours long, it will pass eventually!


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